Treatment of back pain

If the pain in the back creates a thought about the radiculitis. In fact, the cause of unpleasant sensations in the loin is also the pathology of the stomach-intestinal tract. It is therefore checked before the creation of the therapeutic schema of the doctors to the patients carefully. In the case of back pain in the lumbar region to treat as a pathology, it can decide only the neurologist. Often for the implementation of the treatment, the doctors of narrow specializations - a gastroenterologist, endocrinologist, oncologist, gynecologist, urologist. Depending on the diagnosed diseases, the further treatment is carried out at home or in the hospital.

As for the treatment of back pain

The basic principles of the treatment

Part of the pain, the cross, the spine, wear pulling, aching character, or manifest strong and violent seizures. If the examination of the patient, not the pathology of the other systems of life is recognized, which includes in the therapeutic scheme, the following events:

  • the intake of pharmacological agents for the relief of inflammatory processes, elimination of pain, restoration of damaged bone and joint tissue;
  • Implementation of physiotherapeutic procedures for the acceleration of the Regeneration of the spine and the skeletal muscle;
  • physiotherapy exercises or gymnastics.

In the case of sudden and severe pain, limitation of movement, patients, prescribers for intramuscular administration. In the rule, in this case, the accommodation is in a hospital. After the improvement of the patients out to tender for a further recovery at home.

The right approach to treatment

The main reason for lower back pain - destructive and degenerative damage to the spine or formed intervertebral hernia. How successful the treatment was, the doctors recommend patients eliminate the traditional way of life which is provoked pathology factor. Otherwise, the disease will, after some time, or in a chronic Form, its dangerous relapse.

To replace in the case of frequent pain in the loin of active sports, walks in the fresh air

Begin to heal acute or pulling pain in the lower back rest in compliance with the bed. If the cause of the pathology of the inflammatory process, is a gentle physical activity even promotes its dissemination. Neuropathologists rates to buy orthopedic pillow and mattress. Reduce the strain on a sore back, prevent bruising and muscles and a pinched nerve root. If you don't purchase the training weight, then we need to get to sleep, a mattress and a pillow of medium hardness.

To accelerate recovery, you should during treatment of such recommendations to adhere to:

  • avoid any physical activity and outdoor activities. At the stage of Rehabilitation you can with Yoga, swimming or just long walks in the fresh air;
  • excluded from the diet of fatty and fried foods. They have a negative impact on the condition of the blood vessels, which promote in the lumbar spine, the deposition of harmful cholesterol. The deficit of nutrients and biologically active substances is one of the reasons for the destruction of bone tissue;
  • do not drink and do not smoke. If you can't overcome a harmful addiction, then at least at the time of the treatment, you should forget about them. Toxic resin, nicotine, Ethanol adverse effect on the veins, arteries and capillaries, slows down the recovery of bone, joint and cartilaginous tissue in men and women.

The recovery is taking a balanced complex of vitamins and trace elements helps speed up. Some of them contain an increased amount of calcium, but such drugs may be friction, taking, only on medical prescription.

Pharmacological Preparations

Despite the effectiveness of natural remedies and physiotherapeutic treatments, severe pain in the back only drugstore products are able to eliminate quickly. If the complaints are slight, of course, helps the intake of capsules, Dragees, and tablets. And in the case of intense pain a neurologist, the symptoms of the patient, intravenous and intramuscular injection is prescribed for the relief. Many of the drugs used for the treatment of the waist, and show severe side-effects and many contraindications. To avoid the negative effects of strict adherence to the medical recommendations in terms of dosage and duration of intake to allow a course.


Most of these therapeutic measures is not proven for patients with pain, the inflammation due to acute. To start the procedures pharmacological preparations for relief of their pharmaceutical. Physical therapy is used to normalize the tissue-spine, metabolism, tissue regeneration, prevention of degenerative changes in the lumbar spine. What physiotherapy treatments can be pain to get rid of the back:

  • Electrophoresis. Therapeutic Manipulation is for the fast delivery of the medications (NSAIDs, analgesics, anesthetics, chondroprotectors) in the damaged areas of the lumbar spine. In the course of the electrophoresis on the back of the patient's q-tips, soaked in the drug solution. Up special plate overlaid by the skipped stream. Under the action of the electrical impulses of the molecules of chemical substances to penetrate quickly into the area of inflammation;
  • Ultrasonic Therapy. The vibration of the ultrasound waves stimulate blood circulation in the lower back. In the damaged tissue of the nutrients and biologically active substances, as well as of molecular oxygen to penetrate. After 5-10 treatments for patients, the pain disappear as a result of spasm of the muscles and increase the metabolism;
  • the laser therapy. Laser polarized light is used in the treatment of destructive changes in lumbar intervertebral discs. Under the action of infrared radiation, restores joint tissues, cartilage, and blood supply to cartilaginous, normalizes metabolism. Physiotherapy promotes the excretion of spine slags, toxins, end products of the inflammatory process;
  • the magnetic field therapy. During the procedure on the patient, the characteristic magnetic effect tissues the field to stimulate blood circulation in the injured party.
Electrophoresis is pain patients for the treatment of back and alleviation of inflammation

Therapeutic Manipulation assigned, for the relief of further damage to the lumbar vertebrae and the prevention of the spread of inflammation to healthy tissue. The result is the disappearance of pain and restoration of full range of motion.

For the treatment of severe pain in the leg, arm, tailbone, physiotherapy combined with the intake of pharmacological agents. And in the rehabilitation phase, or during a Remission of the chronic pathologies of the spine patient mud therapy, baths with mineral water, classic and precise Massage, acupuncture recommended.

Recipes of traditional healers

For the treatment of lower back pain healers recommend drinking plenty of fluid. Pure water, tea from chamomile and rose hips, compotes from fruits and berries to help quickly bring the end of the spine, inflammations, toxins. As a generous drink, in folk medicine, infusions and decoctions of medicinal plants. Useful plants contain bioactive substances with Anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antiseptic properties.

How can you cure back pain healing tincture:

  • in a thermos pour 3 tablespoon of cranberry leaves, St John's wort and calendula, pour a Liter of boiling water and infuse for about an hour. Strain, drink fragrant infusion instead of coffee and tea;
  • in an email to you to revolt and berries or glass bowl and put a handful of dried rosehips, blueberries and juniper berries, pour 2 liters of hot water. Cook in a water bath for 30-40 minutes, strain and drink 0.5 cups of Infusion before each meal.

Back pain can be fixed, a compress or ointment made from natural products. How to get to the drug:

  1. In a water bath for 3 tablespoons of honey, cool and mix with 2 tablespoons of melt spoons of pharmaceutical alcohol.
  2. In a mixture of 100 ml carefully remove the Vaseline and RUB into the damaged areas of the lumbar spine.

Such funds are used for medical dressings of back pain. For this mixture should not RUB and spread a thin layer on the skin. At the top you have to slide a plastic, and then обмотаться a warm scarf. The duration of treatment is 3-4 hours.

Treatment of back pain typically occurs in the home. Only in the diagnosis of acute inflammatory process, the Patient госпитализируется to the hospital. Depending on the cause of the pathology and the therapy takes between two weeks to several months. But in the case of compliance with medical recommendations, significantly faster recovery, of which the reviews of cured patients.

Infusions of herbs to relieve the people from pain in the lower back, clean the spine of slags and toxins