Loin hurts – what to do? Why can lomit a loin?

Pain in the lower back is often enough. Patients say, "I'm back", "hurt back", "the witch shot in the back". If the pain is inconsiderate, to say "the loin hurts", "hip", "loin hurts". Sometimes the pain is described as a burning sensation in the lower back.

Loin is the lower part of the back - of the point where the rib ends, up to the tailbone. Maybe a single word for the name of loin it took me straight to the point to where it hurts. Because when the back hurts, in most cases, hurts exactly loins.

Back pain

What a pain in the loin may

Most lower back pain occurs suddenly, violently and acutely. In this case, it is called lumbago (obsolete folk name witch's shot). The pain is described as sharp, "shooting". Movement bound, sometimes even impossible, at the same time the back. During each movement, the pain intensified.

The pain can last for a few minutes and can continue for a considerable time (up to several days). It may be that the seizure was over, and a pain, more on themselves do not remember, but often the pain returns and the person gets used to the fact that the loin could hurt him.

Back, only an acute (sudden) pain, can you wear drag and be chronic. Not strong, but the constant pain in the lower back, sometimes aggravated, such as during physical exertion, infectious disease, colds and the like, are called lumbar region. Sometimes not pain directly, but in the lower back area, the bias remains, the Patient has complaints.

Causes for lower back pain

Back pain may be due to various causes, but the statistics is the following:

  • in 90% of cases, the pain due to problems with the spine and the muscles of the back;
  • 6 % cause of pain is the disease of the kidneys;
  • 4% - other diseases of the internal organs (urogenital tract, intestine).

The proportion of spine with pain in the majority of cases of back, and that is no coincidence. In humans, the center of gravity of the body is just at the level of the loin, and when the entire burden of the entire responsibility to go almost to the lumbar spine (in the case of animals, four paws, this is not a Problem). And when a Person is seated, the vertebrae of the lumbar and sacral experience the same force of pressure which the diver presses the 170-Meter layer of water. It is, of course, that this area is particularly vulnerable.

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system, the pain in the lower back:

  • a pinched sciatic nerve. The nerve roots from the spinal cord, compressed adjacent vertebrae. The fierce, stinging pain. In General, nerve roots jammed possible by degenerative changes in the spine (osteochondrosis): the intervertebral discs separate the vertebrae from each other, the distance between the vertebrae narrows, and the violent movement (tilting, turning) can cause the nerve branches pinching the branch;
  • Sciatica (Sciatica). The pinched nerve roots can become inflamed. Inflammation of the nerve sciatica called roots (Lat. radicula - "book spine"); term for the inflammation of the sciatic nerve is sometimes with a special name - sciatica. In the case of the defeat of the sciatic nerve observed lyumboishalhiya can be pain in the lower back that spreads into the buttocks and the leg along the sciatic nerve;
  • Herniated disc and bulging Fragment of the intervertebral disc into the spinal canal. Arises as a result of injuries or degenerative changes in the spine (osteochondrosis);
  • Myositis lumbar muscles. Myositis is an inflammation of the skeletal muscles. The cause of Myositis lumbar muscles can have a sub-cooling or dramatic tension.

Also lower back pain may be due to diseases such as multiple sclerosis, degenerative sacroiliitis, osteoporosis.

Prevention of back pain

The emergence of back pain is often due to careless attitude to their own health. The pain can be caused by:

  • prolonged stay in the same Position (e.g., sedentary work);
  • Incorrect postures;
  • low mobility;
  • excessive physical exertion.

All of these factors contribute to manifesting the development of diseases, back pain. The risk of pain can be reduced if the following tips from the doctors:

  • pay attention to body posture;
  • avoid awkward postures at work sitting. It is desirable that the knees were a little higher hip joints. To do this, use a low chair or stand under the feet. Place a small pillow between the small of your back and the backrest of the front seat;
  • in sedentary activities, have to get up from time to time, in order to move. You make every hour a five-minute breaks; how to properly lift weights
  • sleep preferably on an orthopedic mattress (elastic and rather rigid);
  • Weights, lifting joints by flexing the knees and the back. That is, you have to, bend the knee, and then pressing it together and on a straight line of the back;
  • transfers the load evenly between both hands, not carry the whole load in one Hand (a heavy bag);
  • a daily series of exercises to strengthen the muscles in the abdominal and back muscles.

Back pain in diseases of the kidneys

In the case of lower back pain, it is important to determine what is your cause - and- pathology of the musculoskeletal system or diseases of the kidneys (and other internal organs). The diagnosis must exercise the doctor. However, there are characteristics, so we assume that the pain can be due to kidney problems, or (and) to other organs of the urogenital system. If the Manifestation of these symptoms, it is advisable to immediately consult a doctor-urologist. Kidney disease (or wider - of the genitourinary system), one can suspect, if the pain is accompanied in the loin:

  • General deterioration of health (apathy, drowsiness, weakness, fatigue);
  • swelling of the eyelids, of the face. Swelling is particularly pronounced in the morning, after waking up and in the evening subsides;
  • Fever, Chills, Sweating;
  • Loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting;
  • increased or painful urination;
  • change in the properties of the urine (it can be colorless to a more concentrated color, or Vice versa, contain mucus or blood);
  • Increase in blood pressure.

It is also an important sign of back pain caused by problems of the internal organs, and not of the supporting and locomotor system, is not pain its independence from the Position of the body: of the change in the Position of the body and the limbs strengthened and not reduced. However, in the case of prolonged standing in the pathology check of pain can be reinforced. Importance and localization of pain. Kidney disease pain most often on one side (because there is only one kidney) usually suffers. Kidney pain can not on the loin along the ureter to the groin, the Vulva, on the inner surface of the thigh.

Loin pains: what to do?

Back a Symptom of the disease is pain, which requires treatment. Therefore, you need to see a doctor. But in the case of a sudden attack of acute pain ("lumbago", in typical sciatica), especially required, remove the pain syndrome. Doctors advise:

  • you can use a gentle heat. Povyazhite on the lower back, wool scarf or wool belt;
  • take a pain reliever;
  • you must adopt an attitude that relax the muscles of the back. It is recommended to lie on your back on a hard surface (Board); the feet must be raised and bent at the knees, what you need to put a rolled up blanket or a pillow. (Lying on the floor is undesirable, it can blow out the draft).

The proposed pose - not a Dogma. The Patient must relief the feeling, therefore, also other poses; for example, lying on the Board to put on her bent knees, holding between them the cushion. You can try to lie on your stomach and stretch my legs, a pillow placed under the ankle joint. If sharpness of the pain was, it does not mean that the doctor is no longer needed. Without proper treatment, the seizures are repeated, and the overall Situation worsen.

Loin hurts what can I do

To the doctor with a complaint of pain in the loin?

At the back you have to contact your doctor-pain in the best therapists, to determine mainly because the disease causes pain to the organs. Depending on the results of the inspection, you may need the consultation of a doctor specialists. Can be assigned to:

  • Medical specialist-a neurologist - in order to assess the condition of the spine, the back muscles and of the nervous system;
  • consultation of the doctor-urologa - in cases of suspected disease of the urinary tract;
  • the consultation of the gynecologist - in case of suspicion or presence of chronic diseases of the organs of the female sexual system;
  • Blood picture and urine analysis to confirm or exclude inflammatory character of the disease;
  • Radiography of the spine ;
  • Uzi tazobedrennih of the joints ;
  • and also other studies.