Back pain in the lumbar region: possible causes, treatment

Lower back pain is a common symptom in the modern world. Almost every person faced with it. It is noticed that the majority of back pain in the lumbar region, in the urban population. And suffer from unpleasant symptoms to a greater extent women. It is believed that the discomfort occurs in the lower back in people over the age. Scientists from Denmark. According to your research, unpleasant syndrome appears in childhood or youth. In the course of time only increased. Therefore, it is very important in time for the first warning signs and embark on the treatment of pathology.

Back pain in the lumbar area

Possible causes of complaints

You should know that not only in women, back pain in the lumbar area. Unpleasant symptoms are prone to a lot of people. Since the onset of pain, the impact of the conditions under which man lives, the profession and, undoubtedly, the attitude to life.

Doctors, numerous complaints of the patients, lead the list of the simple reasons, which resulted in back pain in the lumbar area:

  • Obesity;
  • weak muscles of the trunk;
  • high growth;
  • A lack of exercise;
  • heavy physical work;
  • Pregnancy;
  • specific occupational groups (e.g., the driver);
  • some sports (swimming, weight lifting, Hockey,);
  • Personality Disorder (Hysteria, Hypochondria), Depression;
  • the work, to commit the forces frequent forearm support, and inclinations.

Sources, provokes unpleasant pain in the area of the loin, very different. Many of them pose absolutely no danger. However, there are also those who are in need of urgent and adequate treatment.

Diseases, provoked pain, the emergence of back

The reasons that lead to the emergence of unpleasant symptoms, zig. However, it should be clear, if strong back pain in the lumbar region, is hidden the source of discomfort, probably in the disease. Of course, there is a need for rapid treatment. Do not forget that the first step in the elimination of unpleasant sensations, is the clarification of the causes of back pain in the lumbar area.

Doctors unpleasant syndrome to share:

  1. The primary. These include muscular-skeletal injuries. This pathology, the degenerative-degenerative diseases of the spine.
  2. Secondly. In this case, excruciating discomfort caused by the various pathologies.

The primary syndrome the following diseases:

  1. Osteochondrosis. It is the defeat of the bone and cartilage. Such changes are degenerative in nature. Disrupted intervertebral disc and the adjacent vertebrae.
  2. Spondylarthrosis. It is a Form of osteoarthritis. It is the defeat of the intervertebral joints, which is responsible for the mobility of the spine. Such people usually complain that most of the morning back pain in the lumbar area.

To bring the secondary syndrome doctors a variety of causes of complaints:

  1. Scoliosis and other pathology of the growth.
  2. The defeat of the bones, provoked the violation of the metabolism. This includes osteomalacia, osteoporosis.
  3. Inflammatory processes, the non-transferable character. Unpleasant syndrome, Reiter's syndrome, ankylosing spondylitis or rheumatoid Arthritis.
  4. Tumor, localized at the vortices (primary or metastases).
  5. Fracture of the vertebral body. Extremely serious cause of acute complaints.
  6. Infectious pathologies of various kinds, which can lead to the defeat of vertebrae or intervertebral discs: tuberculosis, brucellosis, epidural abscess.
  7. The condition of stroke. As a result of his acute injury of the cerebrospinal circulation of blood happens. The phenomenon often causes a feeling of pain in the lower back.
  8. Complaints of the digestive tract. For example, if the back hurts in the lumbar area on the right, then the speech can go about acute appendicitis atypical forms. Unpleasant symptoms intestinal obstruction caused.
  9. Diseases of the organs in the pelvis (the diseases of the kidneys, urinary System).
Pathology in men

Pathology in men

The representatives of the stronger sex are very back pain in the lumbar region due to the following reasons:

  1. Prostatitis. Pathology is characterized by an inflammatory process in the prostate gland.
  2. Malignant Tumors. Occur in men aged 50 years and above.
  3. Hyperplasia of the sexual organs. In this case, the Proliferation of the cells and pain that is spreading in the area of the loin, back, belly.

Female Causes

The fair sex can lead to complaints from the reasons:

  1. Gynaecological Pathology. Painful sensations cause fibroid, gonorrhea, Adhesive disease. The source of the complaints can be: Ureaplasma urealyticum, chlamydia, fibroids, and Trichomoniasis.
  2. Of The Menstrual Cycle. Pain due to the accumulation of excess fluid in the tissues. As a result of the wife stabbing pain in the lower back, and faced with the emergence of swelling.
  3. Pregnancy. In the body, characteristic changes occur. Therefore, many will have to experience the end of mothers of the unpleasant symptoms.

Back pain caused by pregnancy

The pregnant woman often feels unpleasant complaints. Doctors explain why your back hurts in the lumbar area, as follows:

  1. Hormonal Changes. It is known that in the body of the woman, the level of relaxin increases. It leads to relaxation of the ligaments and joints. As a result of this impact, you can't always increasing the load on them.
  2. The growth of the fetus. Due to this natural phenomena for pregnant women there is a shift of the center of gravity. Accordingly, the load increases on the spine.
Back pain during pregnancy

Discomfort after the birth

But not only pregnant women will experience the unpleasant condition. Some women complain that after the birth of a back pain in the lumbar area. Such symptoms may persist due to the following reasons:

  1. Strong divergence of the bony tissue, stretching of the muscles. In pregnancy, the movement of the internal organs. The bands holding it down, stretched it. Attached to the majority of the bodies of the vertebrae. Therefore, after birth, may experience pain in the lower back.
  2. The stretching of the muscles of the abdomen. After the birth, you are still in a state of tension.
  3. Overweight, the woman gained during pregnancy.
  4. The divergence of the bone. Such a process happens just before birth. This protects the Baby from injury. Recovery phase is different. It is to be noted, therefore, very often women that after giving birth back pain in the lumbar area.
  5. Injuries. During the birth of certain injuries could occur. For example, misalignment of the joints.
  6. The load on the spine. The first time after the birth, if the woman is not yet fully recovered, the pain, the discomfort can dress trigger, feed, carry, bathe the newborn.

Put up with the pain should not be. You should see a doctor and find out the origin of the complaints. This allows to eliminate in due time unpleasant, triggering factors and pain get the necessary treatment.

Reasons for left sided pain

The source of the complaints can be of different condition. Sometimes it is a result of the finding of a long time in an uncomfortable Position. And, in some cases, the tumor process. So, if the back hurts in the lumbar area to the left, the causes of the pathology should not search for themselves. Need to see a doctor.

The most common reasons as to why the left - sided complaints, and diseases of the spine occurs, such as curvature, osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernia.

However, often as a result of other diseases back pain in the lumbar area on the left side. Causes of the complaints may be included are as follows:

  1. Myositis. After physical exertion or under cooling, an inflammation of the muscles occurs. Complaints makes it difficult to sufficiently intensive and deep breathing. During the movement it will be stronger.
  2. Diseases of the kidneys. In this case, the pain is drawing in, as a rule, the end of pain the end. It may indicate diseases such as hydronephrosis, nephroptosis, Pyelonephritis, Urolithiasis, and sometimes malignancy. If it is a renal colic, the pain is sharp, strong character.
  3. Diseases of the digestive system. Pathology of the stomach, liver, intestines, pancreas, left-sided pain can trigger. Especially when the course of diseases in the chronic Form. If it is very acute back pain in the lumbar area on the left side, and you can feel the tension in the muscles of the abdomen, such symptoms can be dangerous conditions: intestinal obstruction or Peritonitis indicates.
  4. Pathology of the heart. Sometimes, Angina pectoris or myocardial infarction discomfort in the lower back can trigger. Usually, the pain sheet is also under the left shoulder, in the Hand. Accompany such a pathology panic and fear of death.

In addition to the above-mentioned causes, discomfort in the left area of the lumbar spine due to pleurisy, inflammation of the lungs.

What can I do?

Pain syndrome - is primarily a Signal of danger. Just as the body is to understand that there is a Problem in the functioning of certain organs or systems. Therefore, it should not ignore. In addition, it is very dangerous. Since the causes for unpleasant symptoms, many.

If the back hurts in the lumbar area, what to do? Originally in the therapist. If the discomfort is wearing a sharp, stabbing character, to create something "quick". In cases where the source of the painful disease, the decline was either a strong contusion, we recommend, see a doctor.

If necessary, a therapist is for consultation to narrow experts:

  • Gastroenterologist;
  • Surgeon, Orthopedist;
  • Proctologist, Gynecologist;
  • Pulmonologist, Cardiologist;
  • Nephrologist, Urologist.

Treatment methods

After you define the sources, the complaints of the doctor, the appropriate therapy. If back pain in the lumbar area, to be treated as a pathology, according to the investigation.

The methods of appropriate therapy are completely dependent on the source of the disease:

Treatment methods
  1. Bulbosus Disc Herniation, Osteochondrosis. During the acute period, the Patient is encouraged the observance of the peace. Benefit the special Bandage that will relieve the lower back. In addition, the medications: NSAIDs, analgesics, ordered blockades. Excellent results you can achieve through physiotherapy, exercise therapy. If there is no positive effect in patients may be recommended the surgical procedure.
  2. Diseases of the urogenital area. For dealing with such pathologies such as Urethritis, cystitis, inflammation of the appendages, is the combination therapy. The Patient is assigned to immune stimulants, antibiotics, antiviral drugs, vitamins, anti-inflammatories, hormones. The selection of the appropriate medication depends on the history of the Form, the stage of the disease and the individual characteristics of the organism of the patient.
  3. Pathology of the digestive tract. Pain in the loin may cause: appendicitis, pancreatitis, ulcer, Enteritis, colitis. Do not try self-treatment to pick up, when acute back pain in the lumbar area. Than to treat such a condition, can the doctor say. To cause sudden and severe pain is necessary "fast". In the case of suspected pancreatitis, the suffering of the patient relieve drug "Drotaverine", or "no-Spa".
  4. Kidney disease. Often such complaints are felt very clearly. Therefore, an effective method is a challenge is "fast". In diseases of the kidneys the berries helpful Mors moss, cranberries.
  5. Pathology of the heart. If the pain starts in the left shoulder blade, quickly reveals the chest and spreads rapidly to the left arm, back, leg, please immediately call "first". It is the characteristic features of the myocardial infarction. Any delay is extremely dangerous.
  6. After birth pain. If the discomfort associated with the divergence of the bone, the wife is a manual therapy. A regular Massage will not make it easier. And in some situations, damage can even. If serious violations of no, brings relief physiotherapy. In addition, young mothers a special gymnastics.


Never self-treatment bother. An incorrect treatment can be very dangerous! Because every disease needs an individual approach. In addition, the treatment of a specific pathology a lesion in a different Organ or System. Therefore, you should not experiment with your health! You may contact competent professionals, which help eliminate unpleasant symptoms.