Hurts the right side of back back pain: causes of pain in women and men

The emergence of pain – a Signal of the body about the failure. If it hurts the right side from the back, pay attention to the Symptom and take care of its elimination. Determine the cause of the pain has arisen, however, for an accurate diagnosis will require the help of a doctor. If it is unclear which doctor is needed, make an appointment with the therapist. He refers to the survey and the scheme is marking the further course of action.

With excruciating, stabbing, sharp pain, call the ambulance. You need an urgent medical Intervention!

Listen to the body and determine exactly where it hurts, where the pain is and whether there are other symptoms. In case of problems with the spine or the muscles of the pain occurs in any part of the back, and depending on the location of the problem. Often it is situational and occurs after physical exertion or unfavorable position of the body. Acute inflammation of the internal organs, usually accompanied by additional symptoms: weakness, nausea, cough, fever. In the early stages of the disease there may be no special symptoms, except pain, so for the early detection of the disease is important to consult a doctor.

Back pain

Location of the pain characterizes the authority that need attention:

  1. The upper part of the back right under the shoulder blade. Here, diseases of the respiratory tract and the spine.
  2. The middle part of the back right under the ribs. It is an area of the lower parts of the lungs, the digestive system, the pancreas, the gallbladder, the liver.
  3. The lower part of the back right around the waist area of the urinary tract, of the right kidney.
  4. Loin to the right – possible problems with the intestines, gynecology, urinary System.
  5. The entire back of the right digestive system, spine, muscles.

Possible Causes

Diseases of the respiratory tract

Feature – amplification of pain when deep breath or exhalation. For the treatment, the pulmonary specialist, contact the therapist, the guide, if necessary.

  1. Pleurisy – inflammation of the Pleura. The pain is in the blade, or blade, will also strengthen the deep breathing, jerky movements, and fades if the lie on the affected side. Other Symptoms: Cough, Fever, Shortness Of Breath. Diagnosed With X-Ray, Sonography. For the treatment antibiotics, different medical manipulations are, sometimes, surgical Intervention.
  2. Pneumonia – inflammation of the Airways parts of the lungs. The pain under the shoulder blades or under the ribs, escalated in a deep breath, cough. In rare cases, at an early stage of the disease no other symptoms, then fever, cough, sputum, weakness. Treated with antibiotics, which get the doctor.
  3. Pneumothorax — accumulation of gases in the pleural space of the lung. Pain is very strong, sharp, stinging, slaps in the Hand, the shoulder, worse when breathing and coughing. You want to sit or take a upright of the half, shortness of breath and cold sweat, panic. X-ray diagnosed and puncture of the lung. Urgently need the help of a doctor!
  4. Lung cancer. Unbearable and constant, strong pain occurs only in the last stages of cancer, when the Tumor grows in the Pleura.
  5. Pulmonary infarction – feeling of numbness in the part of the lung, and through this organ the blood to penetrate into clogged artery Thrombus. Pain is very strong, sharp, cutting right under the shoulder blade. Other Symptoms: Shortness Of Breath, Heart Palpitations, Coughing Up Blood. You urgently need an ambulance!

Diseases of the digestive system

Generally accompanied by other symptoms: pain in the abdomen, nausea, vomiting. The therapist can guide you to gastroenterologu.

  1. Flatulence – flatulence in the intestine. Pain, dull, pulling, accompanied by flatulence. Appears after the ingestion of certain foods (legumes, soda, etc.), as a result of bowel disease or neurosis. Painful symptoms are eliminated spazmolitikami, adsorbents and defoamers.
  2. Appendicitis – inflammation of the Appendix. If the processus is not behind the blind gut, painful sensations arise in the stomach, as it is in most of the cases, and in the lower back at the bottom right. Acute pain, long-lasting, the leg, the groin, the pelvic area. When you lie down on the left side – they intensify. Other symptoms: nausea, weakness, sometimes the temperature is over 38 degrees. Requires urgent surgical Intervention!
  3. Intestinal colic – spasm of the muscles of the intestine. Pain in the lower loin roast colicy: something increases, decreases after some time in the belly. Other symptoms: weakness, frequent urination, nausea, diarrhea. Possible Causes: Intoxication, Stress, Intestinal Disorders, Gastritis. Intestinal colic take antispasmodics, and use a heating pad.

Strong intestinal colic can be a sign of serious diseases, which in no event it is impossible, heating pad use, but you need to urgently call an ambulance!

  1. Acute cholecystitis – inflammation of the gallbladder. Pain in the right lower abdomen, in the upper abdomen, in the region below the right shoulder blade. Can happen even after some time (half hour-hour). Occurs more frequently in the night or in the morning, after the consumption of fatty foods or alcohol. Other symptoms: bitter taste in the mouth, nausea, vomiting of bile, white coating on the tongue. It is diagnosed by blood tests, urine, feces, ultrasound of the gall bladder. Operationally, the food treated, or drugs, necessarily.
  2. Acute pancreatitis – inflammation of the pancreas. Pain in the side of the abdomen, the lower back on the right side. In rare cases, sensations from the abdomen missing and is felt only in the back, in the Central part of the right. Pain is dull, colicy: increases the fact, is weakening. Other symptoms: nausea, vomiting without relief, the face gets a greyish tint, bloating. In the case of the amplification of the pain, call an ambulance! In anticipation of the doctor can take anti-spasmodic. In the case of chronic pancreatitis a dull pain occurs in the right side of the back after overeating or alcohol.

Diseases of the urinary system

The most common cause of pain in the right side rear, if you are not in connection with the spine and the muscles. The therapist directs you to a urologist or a nephrologist transferred.

Urinary system
  1. Retroperitoneal abscess, hematoma, or retroperitoneal bleeding – internal bleeding with damage to the abdominal cavity. Arises as a result of Trauma: fall from height, blows to the stomach. Pain in the back and in the abdomen depends on the extent of the damage: from absence of symptoms to the shock. Diagnosed according to the results of ultrasonography, computed tomography and x-ray diagnostics. Requires medical Intervention!

Sometimes the onset of the diseases of the kidney and urinary tract pain syndrome is manifested in the lumbar area with no other symptoms!

  1. Nephroptosis displacement of the kidney. To pain the beginning of the disease is dull in the right side from the back, fickle,. Appears to be in an upright Position of the body, usually after a strong cough or physical exertion. When you lie down. Later, increasing pain, renal colic may occur. Diagnosed by Palpation, ultrasonography in the lying and standing, MRI. The first degree of prolapse of the kidney treated with conservative methods: gymnastics, with cable stand, sanatorium treatment, Massage ties on Monday. The second and third degrees may require surgery.
  2. Renal colic – obstruction of the upper urinary tract. Severe pain, colicy in the area of the waist to the right, in the area of the pubic area, which was later extended to the whole of the waist. Can the body temperature, vomiting, bloating lifting. Before the arrival of the emergency doctors you can drink or inject antispasmodics. If, in addition to the pain, no other symptoms of a warm hot water bottle helps. In expectation of the physician should be, so that the kidney through the urinary bladder (sitting posture).
  3. Urolithiasis – Urolithiasis – formation of stones in the urinary System. Depending on the location of the stones, pain may occur in different parts of the back: the kidneys in the Cup – a dull ache deep in the lower back, in the renal pelvis — paid in the right upper quadrant, in the upper part of the urethra, acute unbearable pain can area in the lower back in movement, in the area of hypochondrium to make. In the presence of a stone in the lower ureter – severe pain in the lower part of the loin, with the transition to the reproductive organs. Diagnosed according to analyses of urine, ultrasound, MRI. Is treated in a conservative or surgical procedure (choice of doctor). Often, doctors prescribe herbs: Dill, violet, marigold, cinquefoil, leaves, cranberries, St. John's wort, sage, bearberry, rose, and others. In the pharmacy, special vegetable are kidney sold-fees.
  4. Hydronephrosis – enlargement of the renal pelvis. Pressing pain, independent of the Position of the body. The urine may be dark and reddish colored shades — it is a sign of the presence of blood. Aching pain, sometimes the symptoms of renal colic, weakness, nausea feel. Diagnosed by ultrasound and x-ray diagnostics. Will be treated in the hospital is required, the excretion of urine for the reduction of pressure in the kidney.
  5. Pyelonephritis – a bacterial infection of the kidneys. Aching pain, a dull, sometimes you rest, regardless of the Position of the body, may be similar to renal colic. Other symptoms: frequent urination swelling of the face and extremities. Diagnosed, blood tests and urine tests, ultrasound, ct, x-ray. Is treated with antibiotics, which the doctor must prescribe according to the results of the analyses.
  6. Abscess of the kidney – purulent inflammation. Rare: as a result of pyelonephritis, or kidney stones. Sharp pain, acute. The symptoms are similar to Pyelonephritis, in addition, chills, the thirst, you may. You need first aid and emergency surgery!

Problems with the spine, the spinal cord

The peculiarity of this type of pain is that they are reinforced or stop, depending on the movements and Position of the body. The doctor to the orthopedist, neurologist, manual therapist.

Problems with the spine
  1. Osteochondrosis – degenerative disorders in articular cartilage. Pain dull, depending on the location in the shoulder, arm, or leg, sacrum, and buttocks. Man is hard to bend down, straighten the back. In the case of the physical stress, abrupt movements, and a long static pose have feelings, in silence. For the relief of symptoms to relieve muscle spasms and inflammation. In the treatment with anti-inflammatory drugs, analgesics, warming ointments, doctors, physical therapy: paraffin baths, phonophoresis, laser therapy is often prescribe. In the case of osteochondrosis useful therapeutic Massage.
  2. Spondylosis – malalignment of the vertebrae due to the growths of the bone tissue. Shoots compress the surrounding nerve endings and cause excruciating, dull, unilateral pain, which is independent of the Position of the body and the time of day. If on Palpation, pressure on the painful area, a sharp edge. If the lumbar Form of sometimes there is numbness of legs. Diagnosed with the help of x-rays, MRI. Painkillers, anti-treats-inflammatory drugs, Massage and electrophoresis.
  3. Intervertebral hernia – protrusion of the intervertebral disc. Characterized by a constant pulling, aching pain, which intensified at the end of the day. In the case of sharp movements, maybe a feeling of lumbago, acute instantaneous pain. Sensations increase during cornering to one side, inclines, and stop in the supine position. For the relief of symptoms analgesic (paracetamol, AnalGin, procaine). The treatment is aimed at removing the pain and inflammation, explains the movement therapy and Massage. Surgery — rarely and for serious reasons.
  4. Radiculopathy (sciatica) – defeat of the nerve roots of the spinal cord. In most cases, a consequence of degenerative disc disease, herniated disc or stenosis (narrowing of the spinal canal). Severe pain — acute or obtuse, in different departments of a backbone. Characteristic of the loss of sensitivity in some places, the muscles of the back, accompanied this process of numbness or tingling, burning sensation. The treatment is aimed at the identification and elimination of the causes of the symptoms. For the relief of symptoms pain relievers, Massage, special ointments. Of natural remedies help, a steam room, and fastening natural wool to the sore.

The main thing – to quickly see a doctor. Many diseases can be treated much easier, less time consuming and cheaper for the money, if the investigation is in the early stages of emergence. Pay attention to the health!