What to do when back pain in the area of the shoulder blades, causes of pain

Experts suggest that back pain in the area of the shoulder blades not a single disease. Often, the unpleasant feelings caused to separate pathology, not always with the spine. If pain shoulder blades, there might be deviations in the muscle-tendon System. Complaints can also be an inflammation of the nerves mean roots, to the affected areas.

It is important to understand that severe pain between the shoulder blades appears also in the case of functional disorders of the internal organs. So the treatment as effective as possible, you should consult a doctor. After a thorough diagnosis, an expert is to determine the real reason is because of what a pain in the area of the shoulder blades. This allows for the timely treatment and prevent the development of severe complications.

The character of pain

Pain between the shoulder blades. in different ways You determine the cause is very difficult. However, by understanding the character of the symptoms, about what to do with this Problem.


Pain syndrome, this kind of speaks about the problems with the spine. The back also starts to whine when there is interference in the bone tissue. The most common pain between the shoulder blades of the back talks about the development of the following diseases:

  • spondylarthrosis;
  • Fibromyalgia;
  • Scapular Rib Syndrome;
  • foramina hernia;
  • kyphoscoliosis.

Rare, aching pain to know about the development of stomach ulcers, or coronary heart disease.


Traditionally, causes of pain in the back between the shoulder blades of this type variations in connection with the working ligaments, muscles and tendons. Rare situations, when a dull pain between the shoulder blades talks about the development of degenerative disc disease or diseases of the internal organs.

For dull pain in the back between the shoulder blades peculiar to any of the following symptoms:

  • local pain syndrome, does not affect other parts of the body;
  • the burden of the affected muscles, and the strengthened complaints exposing;
  • is it possible the affected area with the help of the Palpation.


If severe discomfort in the back between the shoulder blades, probably the reason is the entrapment of the nerve roots of the spinal cord. Rare, very severe pain caused by inflammation or irritation. Symptoms with such a character before, again with the term "sciatica".

In General, severe pain in the spine, complications appear to be less severe: osteochondrosis, scoliosis, and so on.

Pain in the area of the shoulder blades

The discomfort arises from the fact that in the area of the spine pinching the edema and the inflammation begins. The defeat triggers a reflexive processes, due to which the muscles tense on the back, why the nerve is exposed, root, even more pinching.

Another reason why there is pain in the back in the area of the shoulder blades, may have a biliary colic. For this reason, the right side suffers mainly under the ribs. The treatment involves the determination of the original cause, observation of the emergence of pain after meals with acute or fatty foods. Colic is also accompanied by vomiting and malaise.


The pain in the spine between the shoulder blades, through the following States:

  • Myocardial infarction, accompanied by a deterioration in the condition of the body, loss of consciousness, heart rhythm disorders, as well as a decrease in the pressure in the arteries;
  • Pancreatitis, in cases of flatulence and other abnormalities in the digestive system;
  • intercostal neuralgia, during which the breathing is impeded;
  • Protrusion of the intervertebral disc.


Pain in the upper back of this kind to accompany one of two variations: Angina or osteochondrosis.

The treatment was very effective, it is important to correctly identify pathology. To do this, you need to learn the basic symptoms of the individual entities.

For CHD:

  • fry, compressive pain;
  • Symptoms manifested in attacks during the infarction;
  • taking nitroglycerin relieves pain in the back between the shoulder blades after a few minutes;
  • Movement of the housing have no influence on the intensity of the pain syndrome;
  • at complete rest the pain disappears.

Entrapment of the nerve root characterized by:

  • with no response to nitroglycerin;
  • Decrease in pain after taking painkillers;
  • Pain in the back in the area of the shoulder blades provoked movement.


Discomfort in the spine between the shoulder blades, with such a character, often body function to point to specific deviations:

  1. Osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine. Mainly back pain in the area of the shoulder blades, due to the worsening of the pathology. Complaints can be called due to the lifting of heavy objects or sudden movements.
  2. Stomach-Ulcer. If the wound came, in the pancreas, you may experience discomfort in the area of the spine. Penetrated ulcer also causes acute pain in the stomach.
  3. Cholecystitis. Pathology is characterized by unpleasant sensations on the right side after the consumption of spicy, greasy or fried foods.

The drawing at the end of

The syndrome is typical for deviations in connection with OSTEO-muscular structures. The following disorders include:

  • Scapular Rib Syndrome;
  • Pain in the lower back, the chest, or cervical region;
  • myofascial syndrome.


Symptoms of this type common in the following diseases:

  • Pyelonephritis;
  • Pleurisy accompanied by a cough and weakness;
  • Biliary colic;
  • autonomic dysfunction;
  • Perforation of ulcers in the early stages.

The reasons for the emergence of painful sensations

Wondered why the back hurts in the area of the shoulder blades, you should. attention to the factors that these unpleasant sensations Most of the time, the doctors pay attention to such Trigger:

  • Lack of exercise, lack of physical activity;
  • work the prolonged sitting Position;
  • excessive activity in sports, weight lifting, sudden movements, jumps;
  • mechanical damage and injury.

In addition to the factors, which adhere to the vertebrae from the outside, there are a lot of pathologies, accompanied by pain symptoms. So if back pain is in the area of the shoulder blades, is likely to cause pain the following deviations:

  • Disease of an infectious nature;
  • Pleurisy, pneumonia, and other diseases of the lungs-Shell;
  • Dysfunction of the mediastinum;
  • periarthroses, the shoulders and shoulder blades;
  • Hernia;
  • degenerative changes in the spine;
  • systemic diseases of connective tissue, caused by the specific working conditions.

How to treat it

To treat before you directly, it is important that the true cause of why the back hurts between the shoulder blades. Thus, the treatment manages to bring the maximum benefit.


To know that the loin begins lomit due to muscle strain, you can try to remove the symptoms. For example, when he recommended the heavy or the voltage between the shoulder blades, it is the pose. It is also recommended that a few minutes of simple exercises, if possible:

  1. You take sitting or standing Position.
  2. To reach out to clasp the hands of the maximum stretching of the shoulder blades.
  3. Take a deep breath and hold the breath for 10 seconds.

Simple gymnastics helps the cramp by stretching the affected muscles. So as to be able to quickly get rid of pain, at home.


In the case of painful sensations in the back, caused by stretching of the muscles, Massage helps. Not even expensive calls to visit, to enough of the affected areas, massaging with the right hand and the left Hand alternately. Simplify using the applicator Kuznetsova.

If the Problem is more serious, for example, the pain of change in the bands caused by dystrophic and tendons, it is better to use the additional objects:

  1. You take a tennis ball and place it on the floor.
  2. Lie down so that the spinous processes of the vertebral body in contact with the surface of the ball.
  3. "Going for a drive" with the back within 3-5 minutes.

It is recommended that this exercise 2 times daily for 1 month. Important to use an optimal procedure is that the pain is not reinforced. With time, the duration of the session be extended.

The use of drugs

Unfortunately, if the spine hurts between the shoulder blades, Massage may not always help. If, after the first meetings, the complaints have not disappeared, but is even strengthened, and should effect stop physical therapy and use of drugs with Anti-inflammatory.

It is worth noting that the medical ointments not always the expected impact. If positive changes occur after the first week of treatment, you should seek professional medical help.

Therapy in the hospital

Such treatment is not necessary, if back pain is in the shoulder area help sheets and other resources. It is recommended, in severe cases, or in the development of complications.

The modern medicine practiced a comprehensive approach to elimination of pain syndromes in the back. Of course, taking medication, physiotherapy, as well as gymnastics. The choice of the optimal combination is the doctor involved. Only a specialist is able to make an individual rehabilitation program:

the correct attitude
  1. The taking of drugs. Doctors mostly prescribed drugs with anti-inflammatory effects, no steroids included. The practice shows that nimika has the greatest efficiency, ketonal, and Meloxicam.
  2. Physiotherapeutic Methods. Depending on the cause of the pain to come, can the specialist to appoint the electrophoresis, magnetic field therapy, laser treatment, acupuncture, as well as various ways of manual therapy.
  3. The Fitness Studio Complex. A number of exercises are selected individually, focusing on the elimination of the causes. The Patient learns, physical exercises and leads you every day.

Prevention and prevention of diseases

  1. Before back pain symptoms, appear you should get the spine to protect from strong physical stress. The same is true during the treatment and after the therapy.
  2. Exercise not only help to prevent problems with the spine but also the muscles strengthen, the establishment of a permanent supporting framework. Not to visit a fitness Studio. Enough muscles to keep healthy by having your daily exercise.
  3. In the course of the day, the attention to the Position of the back, muscle tension and General condition is recommended. Important to avoid overexertion, long absence of activity and greatly contribute to the prevention of diseases.
  4. Choose the right mattress, and a comfortable bed. During sleep, the muscles are completely relaxed. Therefore, place the spine in its natural state. Good sleep — the key to quality rest and relaxation.
  5. Proper nutrition is important for the prevention of diseases. It is recommended to abandon fatty foods, eat drink less salt and more water. It is also a varied diet with fruit and vegetables is worth it, rich in vitamins. So a high quality of nutrition of the connective tissue succeeds.

It is important to understand that each of the above-described methods of recovery, can not be 100% recovery guarantee. Started to treat pain, interscapular Region, first of all, the symptoms to get rid of, and then achieve a significant and lasting therapeutic effect.

Unpleasant sensations are only a Symptom of a possible pathology. So deal with the Problem will eventually contribute to the traumatology, a neurologist, a cardiologist, and other highly specialized doctor.