Why a back pain: causes, types of pain, treatment

Aches in your back and very different, from time to time it happens to most adult people. Someone pain is not indicative of anything serious, you just went through some simple exercises to it. Someone is a Symptom of tumors, infectious lesions or degenerative changes in the spine.

To understand what causes pain, how it happens and what to do is not so difficult.

Causes of back pain

Causes of back pain

Why is it painful the back? Causes of back pain are many and varied. You describe the easiest, to the destruction of the group.

  • Temporary. The syndrome occurs in healthy people in a short period of time, as the result of exposure to adverse circumstances, physical activity, abuse, long periods of stay in the same Position. Not dangerous, easy to get rid of.
  • Degenerative. The changes in the spine appear in a row: vortex shifted to the problems with the intervertebral discs, the nerve is pinched. Not dangerous, but uncomfortable and not long over.
  • Infectious. A Symptom of the inflammatory process in the spine or the surrounding muscles. Dangerous, as the infection affects the entire body extremely negative and can lead to death of the patient.
  • With Charisma. A Symptom of diseases of internal organs. Spine pain is not hurt, only in the back.
  • Other. In this group, the reasons for which are not included under the first four unite.

Understand why your back hurts, you should each group will disassemble it separately.

Temporary Pain

This is the smallest group, but it is has you a Chance to meet any Person. The reasons are three:

  • An uncomfortable posture. Pain in the back is the natural reaction to the tension of the muscles and the wrong curvature of the spine. Drawing pains, unpleasant. Characteristic for the people sitting a few hours, not the creation of a favorable workplace, with prolonged stay in the same Position to occur.
  • Overexertion of the muscles. When untrained person begins to carry the heavy, active work, or go to the gym, the reaction of his muscles and ligaments will, of course, the next day, he will suffer pain. The drag is amplified when you try to move. If you are still straining to bring the muscles up to inflammation.
  • Pregnancy. The child to leave the birth canal, already in the first months of pregnancy in an organism of the woman starts producing a hormone that the bands soft. In the process, the greater the time, the greater the weight of the child and the load on the spine is the result of pain is constant, localized in the loins or the sacrum.

Pain this type of back-to refresh the muscles, the child is born, it changes the Position of the body and everything is back to normal, almost without the participation of the patient.

All he can do to ease your condition by the time the rest.

Degenerative Pain

degenerative pain

Such functional disorders more serious than temporary, and persist. These include:

  • Osteochondrosis. The reason for degenerative changes in the structure of the intervertebral discs. They lose their elasticity and become flat, whereby the vertebrae are less mobile, crumble change their shape. Differ, depending on the amazed areas of the spine: cervical, thoracic, lumbar. Neck accompanied by pain, the be raffled off at the shoulder, painful headaches, dizziness, deterioration of the hearing. Chest in the chest, often so strong that you have problems with breathing. In the case of the lumbar spine, in the legs, often accompanied by lameness and diseases of the organs of the small pelvis.
  • Foramina Hernia. A hernia occurs when the intervertebral disc bulges out between the vertebrae. Initially, a dull ache, the pull, is reinforced when the disk is pressed against the vertebrae when the Patient coughs, throws heavy, long sit in one place. In the future, will be strengthened, begins in the limbs is acute. Accompanied by muscle weakness, rapid change of attitude for the worse, the problems with the sensitivity of the extremities. If left untreated, can lead to the paralysis of everything below the dial is clamped.
  • The displacement of the vertebra. Develops either due to congenital disease or due to degenerative changes in the structure of the spine. Localized most frequently in the lumbar area, the pain is constant, the pulling, manifests itself in the buttocks and legs.
  • Herniated disc. A logical continuation of the development of the fracture of the spine. The jammed disc bulges, so that in fact falls from its place. The condition is characterized by acute pain, the Patient remains in a Position and trying not to move to aggravate it.
  • Sciatica. Occurs due to the herniation of the nerve roots of the spinal cord. By pain, numbness, reduced sensitivity to to the complete atrophy of the property, its link with the nervous system back to the specific book tingling. Just because of sciatica, lumbago, a strong pain syndrome in which the Patient misses, suddenly, the back and he dies in a bent Position, unable to straighten up.
  • Osteoporosis. Due to either age, or due to hormone disturbance in the body. Bone tissue, which is under the influence of disease, less dense, and loses its normal structure. The pain occurs on the long stay in static pose or when there is a change in the weather. They accompany the change of the posture, cramps in the legs and brittle bones emergency any weak impact may lead to breakage.
  • Ankylosing Spondylitis. A disease, which leads to a weakening of the small joints of the spine, the vertebrae. The end of pain, which is aggravated in the night and morning is characterized by continuing it easier.

Degenerative changes are of a chronic kind, and treated for the most part, life-style modification, and manual therapy. Symptomatic therapy only during exacerbations, surgical procedures are not only in the case of osteochondrosis, for example, they will help.


The specific inflammations of the spine does not occur as much, for the most part-syndrome due to infectious diseases, which are localized, in principle, wherever you want. Usually, there are two diseases:

  • Tuberculosis. The pulmonary Form is the most common, but it is also so that the spine is affected. Pain painful treatment is a long and a difficult, often the human remains according to the results of the invalid.
  • Osteomyelitis. The bone affecting the periosteum, the bone marrow. Runs hard, with the formation of pus. Dragging pain, accompanied by the formation of fistulas, purulent wounds on the body.

And tuberculosis, Osteomyelitis, and accompanied by fever, headache, weakness in the muscles, fatigue, and often nausea, vomiting, diarrhea all the classic symptoms of the infection. The treatment they urgently needed, because the more the early stage, it will be more effective.

With Charisma

erradioa pain

Diseases of the internal organs can also be a reason of the development of the pain. The pain is not increased and is not reduced to the change of the Position of the body, but also accompanied by significant symptoms, which to a certain Organ.

  • Kidney. The most common variant, the most common in inflammatory diseases or in the case of the stones. Pain rest, at the level of the waist, more at the rear, regardless of the movement. Accompanied by frequent urinary same, high temperatures, urge to urinate, and of a rich yellow color, the urine or blood in it. Sometimes in the Form of a renal colic acute pain with a side of the back.
  • Of The Digestive Tract. In the case of ulcer or Gastritis pain may be given in the back. The yelp, or in the evening when the Person is sleeping is to come, or if he is not hungry, or immediately after a meal. Accompanied by the classic symptoms of the diseases of the stomach and the intestine flatulence, increased gas formation, nausea, constipation or diarrhea. Sometimes it is added heartburn and blood in the stool is black, if the Patient has a stomach ulcer, black, if the ulcer of the intestine.
  • Gyn. In women, pain nagging, a little above the waist. Accompanied by menstrual disorders, vaginal discharge, unusual color and consistency, with an unpleasant odour, problems when having sex, sometimes elevated temperature.
  • The Lungs. Stinging pain in the thoracic spine reinforced when inhaling, when exhaling, is weakening. Accompanied by shortness of breath, superficial, shortness of breath, symptoms of lack of oxygen, fatigue, dizziness, fainting.
  • Heart. Stinging pain in the thoracic spine can be added in the shoulder and arm on the left side. Accompanied by heart arrhythmias or palpitations, shortness of breath, dizziness.

In this case, pain syndromes easily connect with the internal organs, as in the case of the usual pain in the back, no further symptoms are observed.


This group includes such diseases as malignant tumors and injuries of the back, not under the previous one. They are characterized by different symptoms:

  • Of The Tumor. Cancer in the spine rarely occurs because either the bone marrow or bone tissue, shows amazed. Often, the back turns out to be a metastasis, and then, in addition to the main symptoms of the Patient suffering from and severe pain in the back.
  • Trauma. Drops, blows and other injuries, left hematoma, sometimes, or even ribs from the spine broken. And the symptomatology and the treatment is very dependent on the type of injury, depending on which vertebrae it came, no matter how young the person. Usually range from the easy to follow wait for the bruise to come to the hospital and wait for them to grow along the bone.

In any case, these reasons are serious and require a visit to the doctor, diagnosis and treatment.

Types of pain

Pain in the back is different suggests often, what is the Problem, you can to your character. It is:

  • strong, pull-in characteristic of degenerative changes, or when accompanied by signs, for diseases of the heart and the lungs;
  • acute occurs sciatica, prolapse, vertebral, renal colic and infectious lesions, often accompanied by fever;
  • Pain is most often caused by muscle tension (and then the muscles on Palpation a firm, flattened), but can testify to it, and the degenerative changes in the acute stage, when the permanent back pain;
  • radiating back pain symptoms are accompanied by symptoms from other organs, pain does not change the intensity depending on the Position of the body, neither in dependence on the time of day.

If the back hurts, the pain eloquently speaks, that just struck. Sometimes you don't even need the visit to the doctor and can yourself to understand.

What pain do at the back?

what pain do at the back

There are a number of cases, when you go to the doctor:

  • if this disease is of a chronic character, and the Patient met him not even;
  • if the pain is originated in the result of muscular over-exertion;
  • if the Patient was just sitting in an awkward position and can clearly associate with this pain.

In such cases, it is sufficient to hold the spot that hurts in the heat (you can Roll to avoid up attitudes, his scarf), unfavourable body and drink vitamins help the body to recover faster.

Recorded immediately to the doctor or to arrange to have the house, you need to if:

  • the pain came after an injury;
  • Pain accompanied by a loss of sensitivity of the back or limbs;
  • the pain does not go away for a few days or even strengthened;
  • You will accompany the fever and other symptoms of the infection;
  • the pain does not go away, even if you lie down and relax;
  • Pain accompany other symptoms of tachycardia, shortness of breath, problems urinating, constipation or diarrhea.

You should visit your doctor if the pain in the back a child or an elderly Person older than fifty years of torments.


The diagnostics runs consistently after consultation, the doctor asks the patient about their symptoms and Palpation, there are a variety of studies to understand what could lead to back pain.

Among Them:

  • General blood and urine tests provide an idea of the condition of the body, but also show a contagious infection, if it is;
  • X-ray suitable for the detection of tumors and tuberculosis, gives an idea of the shape of the spine and its deformation;
  • Sonography and MRI applied to in order to get a detailed picture of the spine.

After receiving the results of the examination by the doctor can assume that the cause of such a condition and to point to more specific analyses. A biopsy, which will show which processes are in the tissue, neurological Tests, the depth of the lesion, clip-on end grain, showing the pathogen.

As a result of the circle is concentrated, so that is the reason for this pathology is apparent, it will be possible to treat rapidly.