Why back pain after sleeping: what diseases can develop, treatment methods

There are certain recommendations to orthopaedic surgeons on the choice of beds, mattresses and pillows. You should be comfortable and not cause the rest curvature of the spine during the night. Best special orthopedic mattresses and pillows to buy.

Back pain after sleeping

In this article is not only to explain, why does the back hurt after sleeping, but also practical recommendations for orthopaedic surgeons about how to properly arrange my sleeping place for the recovery. also the list of the most common diseases of the musculoskeletal system, which similar symptoms. You'll learn on this page about what should be done for the timely diagnosis of the disease and which doctor the carrying out of an effective and safe treatment is the right FR.

Physiological causes of back pain at night

All of the causes of back pain in the night rough in the physiological and pathological. The first group includes all those changes which the tissues of the body during the night, under the influence of the hormone Melatonin.

This substance that the pineal gland is released for the Regulation of biological daily rhythms of the working of the human organism. To produce it starts and into the blood set the interval between 21:00 and 23:00 local time) only at certain times of the day (. For his successful production of the complete darkness in need of. if you are accustomed to falling asleep in front of the TV, neither of which the right night-holiday in question. In front of a flickering TV, Tablet, Notebook or Smartphone-the production of the hormone Melatonin.

This substance is responsible for many processes in the human body:

  • per day active in the muscles of the skeleton of the back, a large number of metabolites, lactic acid for disposal are responsible for Melatonin accumulates;
  • for the restoration of the intervertebral discs needed relaxes not only the muscles, but also along the belts on them also the benefits of Melatonin has effects;
  • this substance stabilizes the work of the nervous fiber, it is the implementation of the pulses starts soft, in slow motion;
  • start the muscle relaxation and of relaxation;
  • has a stabilizing effect on the respiratory and circulatory System;
  • a mechanism for the activation of the "zone of Regeneration" by the Start of the process of the production of the somatotropic hormone, Somatotropin (he recovery of all injured per day of the body tissues involved at the cellular level).

All these mechanism rely, that during the night the human body is completely restored, has the balance sheet for their energy and got rid of accumulated products of cellular disintegration.

The physiological causes for back pain at night include the factors hindering the normal interaction of all the processes described. Such aspects are the negative effects, such as:

  • incorrectly organized place for the night rest;
  • while the light is on sleeping or in front of the TV;
  • uncomfortable position for sleep;
  • the close night linen;
  • Insomnia and you are provoked to let factors (e.g., frequent urination);
  • Food intake just before bedtime.

It is important, before going to bed ventilate the room, make every day the same rituals (washing, pajamas, brushing teeth, etc.). All of this helps prepare the body and the pineal gland for the secretion of Melatonin and the complete process of restoration of the whole body.

If sleep does not relax, restless, the muscle and not excreted lactic acid and metabolic products. In the morning, after waking up the pain in him, the tension, the bias of the movements.

After a night of back pain: pathologic causes

And now we consider the pathological reason why back pain after sleeping, which diseases the occurrence of this symptom can trigger. we begin with a digression into the anatomy. So, the back is a switch symbol to the area of the body. It contains collar neck, chest, loin, and sacrum.

The spine rotational support mechanism, consisting of the vertebral body, and share your amortization of the intervertebral discs. The integrity, stability, and flexibility of the spine ligaments. Nutrition and blood supply of the intervertebral discs provides for muscle-skeleton of the back. He is responsible for the Commission of all movements of the body.

The ribs of the chest form, within certain of the life hidden the vital organs (heart and lungs). The breathing is through the work of the intercostal muscles. Its Innervation is by a branch radicular nerve.

If back pain after sleeping, the causes of apparatus, among others, the following diseases of the supporting and movement:

  1. Bechterew's disease or ankylosing Spondylitis (inflammatory degenerative disease, especially the male individuals, manifested in the early stages pain in the morning hours);
  2. the curvature of the spine in the cervical, thoracic, lumbar departments (kyphoscoliosis, scoliosis );
  3. Osteochondrosis and its complications – a disease caused by more than 80% of the back pain after sleep;
  4. the instability of the Position of the vertebral body (during the night muscle-skeleton back, relax and the vertebrae begin to be moved, that in accordance with the Wake up with strong pain syndrome);
  5. spondylarthrosis and other pathology of the spine;
  6. Weakness and dystrophy of the intercostal muscles (often such a condition occurs in individuals who, for a long time in the new recovery on the device of artificial ventilation).

There are also other reasons why after a night of back hurts – you in connection with damage to the nerve fiber and muscle tissue. The following pathological conditions:

  • endocrine pathology that provokes the tissues the accumulation of metabolites in the muscle;
  • the lack of blood supply leads to a partial Degeneration of the muscles;
  • radicular syndrome with entrapment of the nerve provoked the appearance of the symptoms of intercostal neuralgia;
  • Infections caused by certain types of viruses and bacteria causes the development of inflammation in the nerve (naprmier, shingles caused by the Herpes Virus).

Injuries, diseases of internal organs (pneumonia, pleurisy, tuberculosis, hernia of the diaphragm), increased physical stress – all of this can lead to pain in the back during the night.

Aching back muscles in the morning after sleep diagnostics

Back pain

Diagnosis of diseases – this is the only correct road to recovery through the use of duly appointed treatment. In nature, there is no universal remedy for every pain. Pharmacological drug from the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs is also not the underlying pain, remove the inflammation. And strong narcotic analgesics origin, simply turn off "" the consciousness of the patient, without him aware of distress signals, in the brain of lesions of the tissue.

Back pain after sleeping – it is a Signal about the difficulty of developing the disease. Should recognize a comprehensive diagnosis and pathological changes.

All of these investigations can family doctor Internist prescribe. If the pathology of the internal organs can be excluded, should these studies of the spine. Fix the primary localization of pain. You try to recognize more exactly, at which point pain back muscles after sleep and in what Department of a backbone is the highest stiffness is manifested. Then the radio logical image of this Department in various projections. It prevents a large part of the pathologies of the spine and the intervertebral discs.

What to do when back pain after sleeping

The first thing to do, when to sleep pains in the back, is a test of your sleeping place. it needs to be organised, in line with the modern requirements of ergonomics and sanitary Hygiene. Here are just some of the recommendations of the doctor the orthopedist about the organization of the space for the night's rest:

  • there is a separate room with blackout curtains, and theses sources of electromagnetic radiation (TVs, screens and monitors);
  • the bed head elated should part;
  • the Pad should be elastic and not very high, a better rectangular shape;
  • the bedding should be made from natural materials.

The second action is a visit to a physician, orthopedic surgeon. The specialist helps in the early stages to identify dangerous pathology (osteochondrosis, scoliosis, hernia, ankylosing spondylitis, etc.).

The third start set doctor the treatment immediately. There are no uniform rules of procedure for the treatment of back pain after sleeping, since it is not an independent disease, but a clinical Symptom, the very large number of diseases. And treatment in all of these pathologies can vary greatly.

Therefore, they are looking for solutions to their problems on the Internet is not only useless, but also dangerous. Much better 30 minutes to spend your time, visit a doctor, an orthopedic surgeon in our clinic, manual therapy, and figure out the exact cause of back pain after sleeping.