Pain in the back to the legs: causes, treatment, what to do

This issue bears the title * sciatica. Many people are very relate easily to this Problem, if you consider that "pobolit and stops," in fact, such a Symptom is a cause for concern and an immediate visit to the doctor, if you will, of course, tax your health.

Back pain

If you feel after physical exertion, or slight pain in the lower back, the "," step by step – you should not wait if the pain goes away by itself, it does not happen. And when the pain and find something guaranteed to be practical, it will re-appear in the Form of a relapse at every opportunity. So to the solution of this problem attract.

Usually the pain appears suddenly, it appears, on the one hand, the loin, or directly with the two (but this is rare). Very soon the pain shifted to the leg, it is difficult to straighten, movement and heavy loads cause pain. Embark on a nagging leg is almost impossible, the man begins to protect them, try to protect themselves from pain. It's not too beautiful – the leg is removed in the rule in a slightly bent condition, or in the direction of the forward, the body is slightly inclined.

This condition can be almost endlessly continued. Periods of relief relapses, in turn, will, however, get rid of pain completely by just the "traditional" means and Tricks from the Internet is almost impossible. A simple way to get rid of the pain for a period of time is the "posture of embryo", but that is a useless tip, if the pain you took in a public place. At home, you can just lay down on the healthy side, with your hands to compress and push the affected leg. It is very desirable to take painkillers.

But this is only a temporary measure, which is able to alleviate short-term pain. If you are sick of the loin to the right or to the left – there is a reason to see a doctor immediately.

What * is sciatica?

This is the term pain mean lower back, the pain "there" in one or both legs. The cause of increased physical exertion or cooling are almost always. Character and localization of pain, the pain can not clearly – as a strong, weak, painful, it may be more pronounced than in the lower back and in the leg.

Manifested in the lower back pain can vary in shape, wherein each of these forms has its clinical manifestations:

  • Muscle-Tonic. In this case, the drastic restriction of mobility in the lumbar spine, spinal deformity (kyphosis, scoliosis, etc.) - cramps due to the occurrence of lumbar muscles;
  • vegetative-vascular. In this case, in parallel with the burning pain of the Patient numbness-legs (in most cases – of the foot appears. You may feel cold, when healthy, seems to be more than pale. For this Form of characteristic is also the sensations of cold or heat. Chills vessels due to increased Tonus of the blood. Even if the Position of the horizontal-to-vertical creates pain;

In this Situation all three forms of sciatica to be combined immediately. It can take years for the exacerbation not be passes by remissions, but the disease itself. There is the case of sciatica, and a kind of "sister" - sciatica, which can also be in such situations It is usually caused by pain in the buttocks or in the thighs, you have to enter in the foot and the lower leg.

The cause of the pain – radicular syndromes

At all variety of forms and the localization of the pain, the reason is almost always – sciatica, appeared in the result of degenerative disc disease. Often such a pain in the lower back ahead of lumbago, lumbalgia and sciatica gone.

As mentioned above, the main reason for pain in the lumbosacral spine, the mechanical pressure on the nerve ends, the first as a result of the failure of the intervertebral disc (disc herniation of the spine). As a result of the disturbed blood circulation in the affected Department, develops inflammation, swelling.

In case of irritation of the spine, which arose as a result of the displacement of the intervertebral disc, causing pain of a different kind – a dull, aching shooting, cutting, tearing,. Directly, the emergence of pain is usually caused by awkward movement, a contusion of the lumbar spine, the rise of the severity of the jerk, violent tilt or rotation of the trunk (particularly under load), a long work in a bent Position in an unpleasant, etc.

The pain usually occurs suddenly, first with one Hand, the lumbar spine (rarely – immediately from both sides), in some cases, the pain may appear in the hip or buttocks. By a short period of time (usually 5-7 days) with pain in the lower back stretches a leg, while it interferes seriously to straighten out the affected limb. The man begins to instinctively "protect" the sick limb, protects it from the impact. To occur, for example, if the person walking on the whole foot completely in the result, the lameness will appear when walking, the affected leg is almost always in a curved state and is located to the side or forward away from the basic load.

The easiest way to get rid of pain, as we have already said, is the "posture of embryo" - on the healthy side, is a burden on the affected leg to the belly. If the pain stretches on both legs, then the Patient must lie on your back, pull both bent legs. Turn on the belly of the man in the situation, the pain in such a case, will increase dramatically.

Very characteristic is the strong increase of the pain is in absolutely every movement, be it climbing, walking, forearm support, or simply trying to get out of bed. Even the conversation, coughing or sneezing can help reduce the reinforcement of pain. In some cases, the pain can be so severe, that interfere with sleep a Person. In consequence, a depressed mood, a can develop Depression. There are people who have problems with the spine, prescribe appointment with the psychologist is, therefore, often.

Often pain syndrome, caused by compression of the nerve roots of the spinal cord, accompanied by sensory disturbances: reduction or increase in the pain sensitivity of the Patient to occur the leg burning, numbness, withdrawal, cold, feeling of "pins and needles" etc.

What is also very uncomfortable – pain in the lumbosacral spine radiating to the leg, almost always in the Form of relapse. Provided, of course, it was not fully treated, but in this case, a Person must be aware of some rules and certain rules to be observed. The main reason for relapses occur in respiratory diseases (Ari), hypothermia, severe physical strain, etc.

Means of first aid in such a Situation is almost always an effective anesthetic. But it is only a temporary medium, Concealer in pain, without the help of a doctor in such a Situation, not to deal with it. Almost certainly, the doctor will prescribe a serious treatment that includes the taking of special funds, restriction of activity, Massage, physiotherapy, etc.