Sore belly and loins: that there are perhaps reasons

Women suffer pain much more often than men. The pain is not only due to the gynecological diseases, but also for other reasons. Pain in this part of the fuselage can be a Symptom of many very dangerous diseases that pose a threat to human life. Only the doctor is able to diagnose you and determine how to cure the disease. Even here, highly undesirable, even more so, it could only be dangerous for the life.

Pain in the lower back and abdomen

Diagnosis, Symptoms.

Above all, every physician asks the patient whose pain in the lower district of the abdomen and the lower back, the force, the intensity of the pain, as well as other features. He is particularly interested in:

  1. The fact how the character of the pain (acute, painful).
  2. Whether the changes, because it is the body temperature, whether or not the person chills, feels, throws, whether it's in heat.
  3. Where exactly is the pain (lower back, right at the bottom of the abdomen, below the left, on both sides, centered).
  4. Does not cause: vomiting, bleeding, fever, difficulty urinating, urge to frequent him.

In the case of the patients, the doctor questions whether the pain of a relationship to a month for a possible pregnancy.

Determining the origin of the pain in the lower abdomen, but also back pain, the doctors do the following:

  • Produce endoscopy of the stomach, of the intestine, the urinary bladder.
  • You will perform laboratory tests for the possible detection of Herpes infection.
  • A blood image. If the Test shows an increase of leukocytes, elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate, obviously, is the presence of inflammation.
  • Take urine for analysis. If it increases the number of leukocytes or erythrocytes, then it is likely to have problems of the urinary tract.
  • Spend uzi of the organs in the small pelvis area. It is done to ensure that the pain is not caused by diseases of the genitourinary system.
  • Make a special diagnosis for the detection of diseases that you can pick up during Sex.
  • Is performed the x-ray examination of the pelvis and of the individual sections of the spine.

What causes pain in the abdomen and lower back

Pain different causes and can cause disease. Usually, it is very strong, if an Organ inside the body, torn, Perforation occurred, and when people internal bleeding.

In the case of chronic inflammations, pain is dull, aching, pulling, and intracavitary pressure, they usually have a pulsating character.

Here are the main diseases, signs of which are pain in the lower abdominal area and lower back can:

  1. Inflammation of the Appendix (appendicitis). Pain accompanied by vomiting, fever. It is usually strong, very sharp, but in some cases, it is painful. Delayed treatment of appendicitis can it cave, and the development of deadly diseases – Sepsis abdominal.
  2. Infection in the System is excretion of urine, inflammation of the bladder (Urethritis, cystitis, etc.). In addition to the pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, for these diseases also typical is the presence of blood clots in the urine.
  3. Various infections of the intestine. Localization of pain usually in the lower abdomen, but it happens, and in the loin. Drag the. To the other typical symptoms of intestinal infections the mucous membranes and blood cells recording in kalowych the masses. To the doctor should immediately go out, otherwise all the most serious complication of Sepsis (infection of the blood).
  4. Inflammation of the intestine. Localization of pain in the abdomen. She remembers also in the lower back and the groin. If the inflammation ignore, direct, or ulcer of the duodenum will soon.
  5. Colitis. Except for the aching pain in the lumbar region in humans, there is an increase in the temperature together with the flatulence of the abdomen. First of all, it is the acute pain, but gradually dull (if tribulation acquires a chronic Form).
  6. Of The Hernia. When the internal Organ gets under the skin and he put pressure on the muscles, the loin hurts so unbearable that the person can even lose consciousness. Among other common symptoms of an inguinal hernia is worth a mention vomiting and nausea. Without surgery here not to do, but because they call for an ambulance immediately.
  7. Urolithiasis. The pain periodically, it is blunt, but can also be acute (if the stone starts to move). Localization in different lower sides of the abdomen and the lower back.
  8. Osteochondrosis. The destruction of the lumbar vertebrae leads to the pinching of the nerve roots, the emergence of a pulling pain. Its location – on the back, but you can give and in the lower back and in the lower areas of the abdomen.
  9. Neoplasms. Abdominal pain can also signal cancer of the digestive organs and the urogenital system.

The not-so-common causes of severe pain in the lumbar spine and the lower areas of the abdomen include:

  • Osteoarthritis of the facet joints;
  • Arthritis (rheumatoid);
  • Stenosis;
  • Scoliosis.

Also pain in the area of the trunk in stroke patients.

Characteristics of pain in women

The occurrence of pain sensations in the lower areas of the abdomen and in the lumbar area in women, cause of sexual disease, but not you alone. In the case of gynecological complaints of pain in the right or left lower abdomen, but sometimes covers the entire abdominal area and lower back. It is a sign of such conditions and diseases, such as:

  1. Premenstrual Syndrome. Accompanied by dull pain in the abdomen and lower back. The cause of the syndrome – spastic contractions of the uterus. You are before the beginning and in the first days of Menstruation. Syndrome is caused by chronic inflammatory processes.
  2. Menstrual complaints. In the time of Menstruation of women, the uterus begins to grow, to shrink, the body blood clots get rid of. Painful symptoms in the abdomen and in the lumbar spine that causes these intense contractions. As in the case of women is less stable hormones, the more painful symptoms. If she has already brought to the world, then such painful symptoms is to speak about serious diseases.
  3. Cysts and other benign neoplasms.
  4. Apoplexy of the ovary. Happens after Sex, physical exertion, when a Mature follicle with an ovum, and torn. Localization of pain in the lower areas of the abdomen, but it is felt in the loin. The focus on it. Associated symptoms – dizziness, nausea, General weakness.
  5. Inflammation of the fallopian tubes, the vagina or the uterus. Severe pain, severe. Do not hesitate with the treatment of this inflammation.
  6. Bending of the uterus. Will cause Spikes, and genetics. Localization of painful manifestations – abdominal. Drag the.
  7. Pelvic inflammatory disease – the so-called inflammatory processes of the adnexa of the Uterus. The disease usually begins after birth, abortion. On the first pain of the weak, the localization of sensations in the abdomen. If the disease is not treated, it may develop a Peritonitis (inflammation of the peritoneum of the pelvis). After that, the pain is unbearable, its localization in the area of the bar to move (right or left).
  8. Uterine fibroids. This is a benign Tumor that is localized in the lower abdominal area, as well as the lumbar region of the body. In the rule-like pain accompanied by convulsions.
  9. Ectopic Pregnancy. After the ovum occurs in the fallopian tube, there are unpleasant dragging pain in the lower regions of the abdomen (right or left), which will be raffled in the lower back. Different thickness of bleeding, unconsciousness – frequent symptoms of this disease. Painful symptoms are worse during the journey and defecation. Eliminate ectopic pregnancy must immediately – otherwise not to avoid rupture of the fallopian tube.
  10. Endometriosis (inflammation of the uterus and of the ovaries). Pain in the presence of this disease to be especially strong in the period of Menstruation.
  11. Rupture Of Ovarian Cyst. Pain in the lower abdominal area in this suffering there is simply unbearable, they lead to unconsciousness. Patients with a similar disease, is in urgent need of an Operation, because it's cave, there is a greater risk of infection of the abdomen after penetrating into your blood.
  12. Detached placenta before the end of the pregnancy. The placenta detaches from the uterine wall before the child was born. The disease is with strong painful sensations in the lower divisions of the abdomen. Your character is stupid, ascending, paroxysmal. Other symptoms of the disease – bleeding, as well as problems with the heart activity of the fetus.
  13. The Threat Of Miscarriage. Pain in lower abdomen more pronounced, but in the area of the loin is weaker.
  14. Premature birth. Accompanied by cramping, as well as driven, pain in the loins or the lower abdomen.

The lower abdomen and lumbar pain immediately after the abortion. Here, pain is a sign that the abortion has been carried out feel–, is unsuccessful, the egg is only partially deleted. Treat it is urgently necessary, otherwise Sepsis.

Sore and after the hard Sex, and after the rupture of the walls or vaginal vault, cervical Erosion, damage.


If you are after the intercourse not only pain, but also the blood, the woman took certainly any infection (usually chlamydia).

Polyps – another common reason, why the pain appear in the lower areas of the abdomen after sexual intercourse. They often bleed. Polyps need to be sure to remove, because they are sometimes Reborn in malignant tumors.

Pain symptoms can be bleeding after Sex causes and dysplasia (abnormal changes in the cells of the cervix).

Also in women, pain in the abdomen, these areas can be of psychogenic nature, due to Stress, frustration, depressive disorders. In a similar case, a woman with the consultation of the psychotherapist or the psychiatrist, and perhaps psychological need.

Why the belly and loins ached in men

In men in pain are less common than in women. The main reasons for this (as in women) are the disease of the reproductive organs. These include:

  1. Prostatitis. Precisely because of him, such pain and usually appear. Pain during urination or bowel movements is another Symptom of the inflammation of the prostate gland.

How to get rid of such pain

The doctors strongly recommend to treat yourself, try to purify themselves with the help of analgesic drugs. The first thing you need to do is to the doctor will go after the diagnosis, appropriate treatment to prescribe. Medical help with this pain is mandatory, if:

  • You stay longer than an hour.
  • You increase if a Person moves or coughs.
  • Longer than a day without a bowel movement, but in this case, there is flatulence.
  • In Kahla presence of blood clots or he has an unnatural color of black (a sign of internal bleeding).

Pain in the lower abdomen and lower back have many causes and be called like a normal muscle strain during training, and as such a threatening disease, such as Sepsis arises when a fracture of an internal organ. Even here, the diagnosis is not put, and without a doctor you can't do that. Only he can explain everything and help get rid of suffering. Try to get rid of the pain itself – a very dangerous endeavor that can end in tragedy. So that is the main thing – to trust and not be afraid of doctors, because our health depends on, and thus the quality of life.