As for the treatment of low back pain: causes, medium

As for the treatment of back pain, if you simply do not have time for going to the doctor? Because we are all very busy, we have a lot to do and ensure that we are always in a hurry and always late. And we never have time for the treatment of seriously until such time as we dare to get in the car "sick".

the treatment of the lumbar spine

And yet, we will tell try to the most common problems that causes such pain, and the methods of their treatment at home. But we ask not to take into account that there is no "traditional" methods of treatment can save you from developing diseases, and they still need to collect and go to the doctor.


This is perhaps the most common cause for pain in the back. The sub-cooling do not deserve so hard, this is not necessarily a strong freeze. It is sufficient to work in a hot room, and then, wet, go in the room where the air conditioning is active. Hot body under running cold air. The man is cold in these conditions, but the adaptation is relatively fast. But the next day you can start, pain in the back, a Problem, or climb, to get up, the pain is mostly constant and pain, and the movement will always be sharp. So fast and quiet you deserve while cooling, or, simply put, "blew back".

Methods of treatment of pain in colds

The first thing is useful in such a Situation, do warm – the back. This is an ointment that is easy to find in any pharmacy is the best. Now, if ointments do not fit to the Hand, then normal alcohol. RUB the loin with alcohol, or ointment, and then wrap something warm, a scarf or a shawl, for example. This procedure is worth it, every day, until the pain does not go, and when you exit to the street and warm to wear, paying special attention to the lower back again.

If the back hurts very much, it is better to go to the doctor. In this case, you will shoot your doctor may injections, the almost immediately or seriously weaken the pain. In General, various non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

If the Problem is cooling relevant to you and meet with him regularly, then you will wool useful warming belt made of sheep-or dog, in almost any pharmacy. To wear such a belt under your clothes every day, well, he is thin and almost imperceptible.

Method of treatment UHT

To date, the treatment of the symptoms of back pain with the help of the apparatus of the shock wave therapy is considered to be a Progressive method of medical practice. UHT – treatment, the the user back to the rhythm of life for 4-5 sessions. This method of recovery the most popular among people with active life style and trying to get rid of the discomfort in a short period of time.

Lumbar Back Pain

Very unpleasant pain that appears when heavy physical loads, and then quickly goes. This happens, for example, if you wear some heavy. A sharp pain in the lumbar region, which then goes into the leg and disappears. Since this pain is kind of short notice, will forget successful. Then she passes repeatedly under load, and again. In this case, it is very useful to consider that something is wrong. Such a pain is typical of sciatica, the bears in the medicine, the name "witch-shot", in the vernacular as "lumbago".

The treatment of pain as lumbago

First and foremost, patients with this type of pain you stow away on a relatively hard surface. Not necessarily put the people on the ground, if the mattress of your bed is new enough – then you can lie down on the bed. For the relief of pain, you can drink something for the pain, it's under the Hand.

Please note that people with this type of pain you not plant in a hot bath or try the "steam" in the tub – this is the opposite of the desired effect would be.

The heat in this case is to apply "dry", alternatively, you can pain a the ointments of back. The main thing is that this ointment is causing allergies, because in most cases, the composition of these ointments aggressive enough. Thereafter, the Patient will need bed rest for a few days, and his diet is fluid and salt must be restricted.

If the pain does not go away, then you need to call a doctor and start the right treatment – and- half measures, we will not be treated here.

Herniated disc

In fact, this disease is a 2-th level of the sciatica. On these "good" Moment is not difficult, if the pain ignore, the on the 1. Stage of the disease (short-term for the transmission of heavy loads and burdens). In the case of intervertebral disc pain incidents is constant and increases sharply with each movement, light is only in a state of rest (lying down).

If the symptoms clarify what a person with this disease suffers from constant pain in the lower back, the leg, and reinforced with sudden movements. Maybe also a decrease in sensitivity or numbness in the lumbar area.

"Homemade" treatment for herniated discs

Back pain

For the relief of pain, deliver them to the patient on bed rest and absolute quiet, then every analgesic that is to Hand. And then you need to call a doctor. In the acute Phase of hernia, each national treatment only damage, the pain takes you away from the "envelopes" or "lotions" that must be dealt with seriously and thoroughly.

As one of the additional methods to relieve pain during movement – use of harsh lumbar corset, not the ability to move division of the lumbar region of the spine. But it is not a cure, this corset loosens the muscles of the back, which must then be restored with the help of physiotherapy.

"Professional" Back Pain

This Problem is typical for people with such work, which includes a low mobility or over a longer period of time in uncomfortable poses. It cashiers, operators, PC, computer programmers, office workers, etc., it is not the best day for such people, the pain in the back appears, and the muscles begin to "whine", and this state lasts for a very long time, the chronic kind is The what as an "occupational disease". The point is simple – due to the low mobility and the lack of the required loads of the muscles and ligaments of the back weaken, as a result, you do not keep the back in the normal Position, quickly tired. The result is not only pain, but also posture.

Treatment Of "Occupational Diseases"

Because this disease is chronic, and the responsive method of eliminating the pain. The pain is not stop in this case, because the pain, once the effect, and constantly "sit" on such medicines is not possible.

The only effective method of treatment in this case gymnastics, the ability to restore the normal condition of the muscles and ligaments is sick. But I repeat, it is not a one-time treatment, gymnastics need to be constantly busy.

Also observe the right posture. Not only during work but also in everyday life. Useful also how the Massage would be a good specialist. You don't do a Massage in this case – the best solution.