Woe to Boca from two sides of the back: possible causes and treatment options

If a Person is in pain Boca of two pages from the back, then this fact to the presence of various diseases, pathological processes and disorders in the organism. According to the localization of the pain can be about the character and the peculiarities of the disease. But for a definitive diagnosis, a medical examination is required. In the following Text, the most efficient methods and recommendations for the solution of the problem.

pain at the end of Boca back

Causes of pain in the sides

A similar Symptom can stress the various causes of high muscle to serious diseases. When the pain subsided were of a breakthrough or a sudden movement, and after a short period of time, not remembered in the future, you can't worry too much. Pain and pronounced discomfort, the a-periodic character is clearly speaking of degenerative, pathological process, or of a chronic disease.

The main causes of pain in the flanks on both sides, are:

  • Diseases of the kidneys;
  • Gastric ulcer or duodenal ulcer;
  • Pancreatitis;
  • Aneurysm of the Aorta;
  • Bruises and injuries;
  • the inflammatory process in the internal organs or in the pelvic area.

Why Boca sore

The reason for this can be seen as a strong under-cooling, the blow, or some other factor, but also the crooked posture and scoliosis. Complaints in connection with the pain syndrome often sleep called on a hard surface, on the side. Located in the area of the lower division of the lower back indicates pain often about various degenerative changes in the kidneys of storage space and joints. Pain syndrome, covers the flanks and the back, is called atypical appendicitis in the acute Form.

Such symptoms often obstruction of the intestine and other diseases of the digestive tract accompanied. If the pain is Herpes-wearing character, then it may well be, due to the degenerative and dystrophic processes in the various departments of the spine. During the secondary syndrome girdle pains with both sides of the spine occur due to the disturbed local blood supply and slow metabolism.

Important! Pain in the sides with two sides of the back can serve as an indicator for problems with the spinal column and diseases of the kidneys or other internal organs. So in the case of a periodic pain, worry-free power for several days, you need to see a doctor.


In many cases, a qualified doctor, a diagnosis only on the basis of an analysis of the urine and a small amount of additional biochemical research. If it is x-rayed assigned to a suspicion of the existence of problems with the spinal column in General. Recurrent pain, mainly localized in the right-hand side, associated with urogenital System and talk about the gynecological pathologies, type in women and Prostatitis in men.

Causes of pain
  1. Pain syndrome, which testifies at the same time, in the right-hand side and in the lower back, Pyelonephritis, cholecystitis and other diseases. In such cases, immediately needed medical care and competent treatment.
  2. Lumbar pain, which he associated in the left side, mostly with inflammatory processes in the intestine. If the pain is accompanied by a high degree of the formation of gases, and disorders of the chair, so a gastroenterologist must visit.
  3. Pancreatitis and problems with the circulatory System by pain syndrome in the left-hand side. Myocardial infarction dagger accompanied by severe pain, which will be raffled in the Hand.

In the case when the pain vomiting, in the flanks, accompanied by chills, loss of appetite, sweating, fatigue, fever, and lethargy, the Problem is most likely triggered by a violation of a proper function of the kidneys. Pain syndrome of the child, located in the sides of the back, can be an indicator of incorrect posture, incorrectly sized place to sleep or overweight.

Often the need, in the analysis of blood or ultrasound examination. Stage of diagnosis is very important because of the proper causes of the disease, a quick recovery of the patient depends. Severe dizziness accompanied by weakness and loss of consciousness, means that it suffers no deposits and in urgent need of medical help.

What to do for pain in the flanks

For starters, you can make an appointment with a therapist, the to forward after passing the necessary examinations with a qualified surgeon, gastroenterologist or gynaecologist, depending on the diagnosis.

The treatment in the acute Phase involves the intake of muscle relaxants and special drugs, no steroids. Therapy is assigned in the time of the slow disease of a qualified physician, after studying the medical history of the patient, results of the analyses and the visual inspection.

During Remission, it is recommended to visit the ski resorts of sanatorium type, moderate but regular physical activity and an active lifestyle. You develop and carry out a personalized training program and it's daily. If the pain is associated in the pages of diseases of the kidney or the gall bladder, it is necessary to go on a diet with a low salt content and various irritate the mucus products. The consumption of alcohol is required to completely eliminate.

In many cases, the doctor services, treatment, additional therapies such as manual acupuncture, physical therapy, and Vitamin supplements. Not to resort to self-medication it is recommended for a correct diagnosis requires professional medical knowledge and special equipment.

the treatment of the back

If the pain is directly related to inflammation or injury in the work of the kidneys, the problematic area is strictly prohibited warm-up with heating pad or special ointments says.