The back hurts in the back right below

Everyone sometimes has back pain. In most cases, this Symptom is not cause concern. But to analyze if the pain in the back feel right on a regular basis to try to a consideration of the value of this Signal for the body, the causes of the symptom and, if necessary, consult a doctor.

Pain in the back in the back

What are the reasons for the pain on the right side of the back?

One of the most common reasons is where there is a pressing pain in the back on the right side is a violation of the posture or a long stay of the body in physiologically at a disadvantage. Regularly leads to a compensatory deformation of the spine, and the incorrect distribution of stress on the muscles that support it will find in the wrong Position. Insufficient physical activity, the work in the Position "sitting", the wrong selection of linen – all of which can interfere with the body posture.

Sometimes the pain in the right of the back because of the displacement of the intervertebral discs. The cause of this pathology can apparatus be a chronic disease of the movement or Trauma. In the case of any deformation of the intervertebral discs suffer the result – a feeling of discomfort is in close proximity to nerves.

Aching pain in the back and points to problems with the digestive system, particularly the intestines. More frequent Symptom points to hormonal disturbances and eating disorders. If the drawing appears to be pain in the back right regularly, you should consider a diet and the advice of a gastroenterologist.

If the pain is in the back right, it is the cause of the pathology of the kidney. Complaints can also be felt in the front, in the abdomen and under the ribs. The most common reason for this phenomenon – the stones in the kidney or of the violation of the outflow of urine. Sometimes regular complaints by disturbances in the water.

Back pain on the right side of the bottom can be a consequence of obesity. Being overweight interferes with the operation of all systems of the body. In particular, excessive body weight, the extra load reported to the musculoskeletal system. The result – regular back pain, the weight usually disappear without a trace after normalization of the body.

What is the meaning of such pain?

Diseases of the genital organs in women — the primary cause of pain in the back

In women, pain in the right diseases of the genital organs can back. This Symptom is typical cysts of inflammatory processes of small pelvis organs, tumors and ovarian. The greatest danger in this Situation is the lack of bright signs and symptoms – clinical sub-clinical image "pushes" the Patient's attention to the appearance of this Symptom, and which attracts the attention of not only the pain, ignore not working. The woman can think of that put back pain on the right appears to be due to weight lifting or other strains, and not think about your real reason.

Pain in the back on the right hand side above indicate diseases of the respiratory tract. To feel if the discomfort regularly, the likelihood of the presence of chronic diseases. Some experienced physicians are able to diagnose the presence of tumors in the lungs and the bronchi of patients according to the description of the pain. Often just a pain in the back at the top, but also discomfort in the area of the breast is not felt. Sometimes a pain may be in the Hand. In the case of strong lesions of the internal organs can be felt both on the right and on the left side.

If there is a sharp pain in the back on the right side of the no-traumatic character, its cause a variety of disturbances in the functioning of the peripheral nervous system can. If unpleasant sensations after an injury or back was damaged in the recent past, sharp pain in the back is a direct result of this damage. In this case you have to) in a hospital and, if necessary, the inspection of the physician and the investigation, the is a whole range of modern radiological methods of examination (Computer tomography and magnetic resonance.

Pain in pregnancy

What other reasons may be pain syndrome?

During pregnancy pain naturally the emergence of back

Back pain right back to intensive physical loads to be widespread and harmless. If you try regularly to feel the discomfort after the work in connection with the lifting of the heavy or of the execution of the slopes, can, simple exercises to strengthen the back muscles, learn to hold your back in the correct Position for the spine. If the pain is on the right side of the back to heavily, it makes sense to minimize physical activity, and a survey aimed at the detection of chronic diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Often the pain is to the right of the back of the women complain of during pregnancy. The Symptom is not a danger, if excluded, the probability of chronic pathologies of the spine and the kidneys. During the incubation of the child, there is a significant weight gain in a short period of time, according to the load changes on the back muscles, the result can be pain, a regular pull-back on the right side. The discomfort is recommended to be reduced, preferably to such types of physical activity such as walking and swimming to acquire a mattress that properly selected wearing prenatal Bandage and avoid strenuous physical work.

Why does it right to hurt in lower back treatment

Pain in the lumbar region — a fairly common phenomenon. Surveys show that about 30 % of the adult population in Russia suffer from a variety of unpleasant sensations in the back. According to the respondents, back pain are equally common on the right and left side. Causes of back pain right passed not only in diseases of the spine, but also problems in the functioning of the internal organs. In the case of some of the circumstances that you experienced pain in the lower back to the right when driving. In some cases, aching pain, in the other — focus.

The majority of respondents, that you can visit if you have to learn, sharp and stabbing pain in the lower back, you are not in a hurry, a doctor. What is the reason? Many believed that the pain, preventing symptoms, that you in the movement. And almost all of the respondents knew that in the case of back pain, it is necessary to take immediate action, and only 15 % of them came.

Back pain, see a doctor

The complexity of the diagnosis

If back pain is on the right, you need to find out the causes for such a condition. They can be very different. Complaints are usually accompanied by concomitant changes in the organism. To include such changes:

  • the increase in the temperature;
  • Headaches;
  • Vomiting;
  • Shortness of breath and increased urge to urinate.

Other symptoms, which make it possible to diagnose the disease faster.

Causes for pain in the back are congenital and acquired diseases. Often, pain in the lower back area to the right can be one of the manifestations of problems of the musculoskeletal system forms.

If a Person escalates osteochondrosis, manifested in the Form of pain. If pain in the right side of the back, it can be, and Osteomyelitis. Spondylitis and sacroiliitis in later stages, faster diagnose, just because people suffer from diseases, back pain on the right side. The causes of pain in the right side of the lumbar spine are in the position to give testimony, and tumor processes.

The development of osteochondrosis in the case of a lack of exercise

Disease the point of the buttock muscles also signal, if the pain in the back on the right side. In the case of such pain are accompanying symptoms. In some cases, they are Standard:

  • Deterioration of the General health of the people;
  • Anxiety;
  • Apathy;
  • Weakness.
Causes of pain

Often, these complaints are concentrated in the area of the sacrum. Acute lower back pain characterizes violations, inflammatory processes in the ischial tuberosity of the muscles and the stretching of the vertebral ligaments, the not less dangerous. The patient does not normally take into account that neurological pathologies pain provoke in the lower back on the right side. The reasons may be different.

This pathology can be of different etiology. Right-sided Neuritis is often the first noticeable when a Person falls ill in the back on the right side. In this case, as in the case of problems with the muscles, the pain is often in step. Neuralgia is characterized by the condition when the loin hurts on the right. Pain in the lower back and on the right-hand side is a sign of various diseases of the internal organs. If inflammatory processes in the intestine, with the right of the liver, gall bladder, right ovary, kidney, and immediately begins to pain in the back on the right side.

Back pain right Symptom for various diseases of the internal organs can

Disease often occurring back pain

The first question of the doctor, the patient, relates to the properties of the symptom. For faster and more accurate diagnosis of the disease, medical professionals need to know exactly how sick right, what are the symptoms and conditions are previous for this phenomenon. Drawing pains in the lower back can have different degrees of intensity. You don't need to know that if something is sick in the back right, is the fact that the disease is harmless. Carefully pressing pain has accompanied the development of life-threatening inflammation of the internal organs and the emergence of malignant tumors.

Namely, when the dull back pain on the right, there is a great probability that this osteochondrosis. Unpleasant feeling in the back right when this disease occurs due to a disturbed function of the spine, spasmodic conditions of the muscles and ligaments. Those who suffer from osteochondrosis, can get sick right in the morning.

Sharp and dull appearance of pain right in the back — a sign of acute sciatica. Such a Symptom is usually pronounced and is accompanied parts of a shot in other parts of the body. The phenomenon of lumbago is capable of as a distinct disease. Pain in the lower back to the right of varying intensity. When shot, the pain in the back above the waist, then it is probably a result of what the person lifted something heavy.

The incorrect lifting of loads, the load on the intervertebral discs increases in 9 times

Weight lifting is strictly forbidden in the pose, when a Person tilt from the Position ready to March tried. Then on the spine, an increased load, the risk of injury increases. Weights have to lift from the Position of the squat with your back straight, slowly straighten your knee. Then you can avoid pain in the back.

If over the area of the kidneys may confirm the suspicion that the Patient began to Myositis — inflammation of muscles. The disease is characterized by a General feeling of being unwell. Painful Symptom may not be so pronounced, which is about the dangers of the disease, full of various complications.

If it's Myositis, muscle during the pain will be harder than usual. If the lower back is observed first, pulling pain, and then the transition to seizures, there is an almost 100 % probability that these symptoms of a hernia. In addition to this phenomenon, the disease, in the location, a violation of posture and limited mobility. Complaints accompanied the top and the bottom sirloin, in some cases, of tangible tingling in the legs. The patients often complain of numbness of the extremities.

Causes of back pain in women: diseases of internal organs and pregnancy

In the case of women discomfort on the right side above the waist are often malignant and benign tumors called. In such cases, often feels the pain and the bottom of the loin to the right. Symptoms often cover, and the left part of the back — it all depends on where exactly the body is, where it is the formation. Stabbing pain below the waist on the right, the Pyelonephritis or disease of the urinary showing bladder. He is accompanied by cramps in the water.

Stabbing pain below the waist with Pyelonephritis and diseases of the ureter often Herpes character. If the stone is in the ureter, then it is in the rule moves to the bottom. It is not excluded that it will radiate, and diagnose above the waist to the right, what is much more difficult.

If this Symptom of the human coloration of urine is observed to be dark, he should immediately emergency departments in the medical institution, as he must, perhaps, in the next few hours. Pyelonephritis and problems with the operation of the ureter is often accompanied by a sharp increase in body temperature. Even any pain relievers do not apply during the deterioration of health, because they aggravate even more heart attacks and have a negative impact on renal function.

Discomfort in the back — a frequent companion of pregnancy. The best Option is considered when the woman prepares pre-pregnancy to the problems that can occur while you. During pregnancy increases the load on the spine.

Pregnant women often complain of the different localization of painful symptoms, to feel the right then the left.

Diagnosis and treatment

Pregnancy is usually accompanied with radiation of the pain and discomfort in the abdomen. In pregnancy, you are giving a part of, reinforced when tired or after physical exertion. A woman, who is expecting a child, is in a difficult Situation. All medicines must take only in extreme cases, how and the outside RUB ointment and warm compresses. In any case, it should be considered to inform pain symptoms in the back and the legs as normal and the treating physician.