A series of exercises for the restoration of the upright posture

A man with a straight back draws admiring glances in any company. Exercises for posture at home will help everyone to be the same. Meetings do not require large financial costs and hard work. The secret to the right posture is only in your desire to achieve perfection.


Bad posture can be a result of hereditary diseases or injuries of the spine. But most of the time pathology causes lie in a wrong Position of the spine while working, sedentary lifestyle and physical. In the group of risk, student, students, employees, qualified employees, a seamstress, a professional driver.

In front of the right posture and review procedures

The benefits of proper posture, obviously. The straight line of the back, of the neck and the shoulders looks aesthetically. She speaks not only about the physical health of the people, but also about his discipline, the ability to work, respect for self and others. Companion smooth body posture is the "Royal" gait. The ideal Spin gives self-confidence and brings other competitive advantages.

The curved back and an overhead belly to speak of either laziness, either on the complete indifference to the environment. This not only looks ugly, but also dangerous for the health. Even a small curvature of the spine can lead to:

  • to the dangerous pathologies of internal organs;
  • Disorder of respiration;
  • Slowing of blood flow in the extremities;
  • Hypoxia Of The Brain Tissue;
  • pinched nerve-endings.

The correct posture is characterized by the direct Position of the body in the vertical plane. The shoulders are used on one level in height, easy and omitted. The chest and back can be issued a little to the front. Man can without problems the knee stretch without discomfort. While together, they must be absolutely straight and the knees, the heels and thigh come in contact with each other.

To correct posture, there is a very simple method. You should lean with your back to the wall and completely straighten up. The feet must be brought together, are the hands along the body. Head clings to the rear surface, the view in front of him.

Someone from the family must keep your Hand between the wall and the lower back. If the palm of your hand flow freely, it means the right attitude. Otherwise, the curvature of the spine. The weakened abdominal muscles to the back, throw back, without allowing him to straighten up.

Lessons for beginners

Correction of the body posture starts with the implementation of the simplest exercises. For the beginning you have to learn to sit correctly with a straight back. The charging process can be carried out directly in front of the Computer, in order to develop the habit of:

  1. We sit up straight, the shoulder blades are brought together, the chin inclines to the chest. This provision for at least 30 seconds.
  2. With a straight back movements with the hands, as when swimming the crawl.
  3. Leaning forward, hugging the ankles with the hands.

For the correction of deformities of the spine suitable exercises with improvised items. One of them is with the help of several books. They need to be put on the head and go up to the opposite wall. The books should not be covered. To complicate the exercise, you can climb to the foot of the stairs.

The correct posture is trained, when you transfer the hands behind the back of various items. So good shoulder and lumbar joints were developed. First of all, the transmission is performed with the left Hand over the right shoulder, then the page changes. Such a movement 15-20 times to repeat.


A further exercise is carried out standing. We are most directly by the forehead upwards. Legs together, hands next to the body. On the inhale lift up into the empty string, and on the exhalation tilt your lower back round. The focus on breathing. Repeat 10-15 times.


Prevention of diseases of the back and the restore the correct position of the spine in the early stages of scoliosis is effective through the practice of Yoga. The followers of this doctrine assert, that the man is young and healthy, while his spine bends.

We consider the 3 most appropriate Asanas for the relaxation of the back muscles and relieving pain:

  1. "The Cat". A simple and very useful exercise. For the proper development of Asanas use, check the photo. The initial position of the body — on all fours. When inhaled, the depth is deflection, when you exhale back around. You make a daily 15 to 20 times.
  2. Face down, knees up to his chin tightened, the other leg toes back stretched out. The forehead and the palms resting on the floor. The exercise is repeated a couple of times on each side.
  3. Sitting on the knee, raise the hands. Buttocks fall on the heels, and the hands pull forward, slide across the floor. In this Position, you need to relax for a few dozen seconds.

Perfectly for the correction of the body posture of the following complex:

  1. You lay on your back and pull your knees to your chest with your hands. Push the exhale, the hips in the abdomen and powerful. Completely relax, listen to your breathing.
  2. Starting position — lying on your back, feet on the width of the hips. On the exhale, slowly put your hands behind your head and leaning on the shoulders, lift the pelvis and hips as high as possible.
  3. On the exhale, lower the hips and back of the legs to the chest. Fully exhale.
  4. During inhalation the hands go back, and the legs have to lift at a right angle. Breathe, again the knees to the chest press.

So download good the spine by relaxation of the shoulder girdle. Exercises for a beautiful posture 8 times.

Relieve pain in the back and remove the terminals of such complex helps:

  1. Starting position — lying on the belly, forearms in both hands. The left leg in the knee is bent, the eponymous Hand you have to attack from the rear to the foot.
  2. Bending back to back, at the same time pull the leg. Set the left arm to the front. Hold this Position for 6 cycles of breath, then repeat the exercise on the other side.
  3. With the hands together, knuckle to compress the back of both legs. You tear the breast from the bottom and bring together the shoulder blades, bend as possible. Easy to swing back and forth to the rhythm of the breathing. Hold the pose for 8 breaths. Then twice AORDER repeat.
  4. Lying on the back, we press the knee and the hip to the chest. You can swing from side to side, without Clips, with the muscles. Close the right knee with the right Hand and the left of the left. Slowly turn the 3 times in a clockwise direction and as many in the opposite direction.

Japanese Method

A very interesting method for correction of posture in adults of the Japanese doctor Fukutsuji developed. It is based on the return of his spine in an anatomically correct Position. The Japanese manufacturer claims that the acquisition of the erect posture of the body meet 5 minutes per day. The exercise is with a roller made of a towel.

As a result of the daily activities, the person learns to hold the spine in sitting and during the journey. The spine straightens up, the pace is gaining confidence. In addition, the breathing becomes much easier, improves sleep, the Psyche balanced.


Methodology Fukutsuji the execution of the following steps:

  • sit on the Mat, straightening the legs and back;
  • lie on your back, by the paint roller exactly at the height of the navel;
  • Legs extend to about 25 cm, wherein the thumb touch each other and the heels on the side removed;
  • Hands stretched out behind your head with the palms downwards so that the little fingers touch;
  • in this Position for 5 minutes.

If pain course times should be shortened, and then increase gradually.

Exercises with the stick

This exercise is ideal for everyone, but it is especially popular with women. To produce jobs with a projectile to tone muscles, back, remove pave the terminals and attitude. You start with small loads, gradually increasing them.

The teaching of the Stick is a length of 120 cm, this dimension is the execution of exercises in all positions allows sitting, standing and lying. Each movement is repeated after 10-20 times, depending on the Fitness Level of the Person.

Here are the most popular exercises are:

  1. From the Stand, arms stretched, hold the Cup with a wide handle. The rod rotates in different directions, to the rotation of the limbs.
  2. Hold it perpendicular to the shell, through him, Mahi lead foot.
  3. Balance on one leg. The Stick is on a different. The pose a few seconds kept, and the legs change.
  4. Jump on one leg by the shell, parallel to the ground.
  5. Starting position — on your lap. Floor lift with both hands and draw your circle. The movement is only done with the torso.
  6. In a standing Position and holds a stick behind the head, leaning forward. Another variation of this exercise — with a projectile, a lowered behind the back.
  7. With a focus on the floor on his outstretched hands and shake upwards and downwards.
  8. You lay on your back and hold the bowl in front of him on his outstretched hands. Legs bend and run under the floor.

Not all of the exercises succeed immediately. Therefore, you need to learn gradually, from the simple to the complex.

Exercises on the bar

This missile is capable of great use for the formation of a beautiful posture. Today, stretching in every Park, in many stations, and everyone can install at home. In General, such activities like men, but the basic exercises are very helpful and girls.

The most important exercise for the back is normal Vis on the crossbar. With the help of such exercises, posture aligned, and the load on the spine is reduced. Preferably hang after 1 Minute several times a day, as much as possible relaxes the muscles. The discs snap into place.

In the case of the need to exercise, you can difficult, the legs and the hull. Other variant — to simulate the foot, so that the corresponding movements of the lower limbs. In the case of osteochondrosis, it is recommended that slopes, cross-legged, on the ankles. But in this case, before the instruction, you must consult your doctor.

To recommend to the strengthening of the muscle corset and the formation of the straight-back pull-UPS to do. It is important to the movement fluent, synchronized with the breathing. The handle should be strong, of the thumb to the side. To keep the elbow preferably parallel to each other.

So everyone can. the exercises in accordance with the level of preparation and taste But before the Training a list of the contraindications and consult your doctor.