Hurts the lower back: causes of pain in the lower spine, what to do

Many people are familiar with this is a Symptom, "pains of the lower back". In General, discomfort associate with various diseases of the spine, but in practice it often turns out that the cause in another. Often the pain in the lower back occurs in women at the end of the pregnancy, as the spine undergoes a larger load than usual.

This may be caused by different diseases in the internal organs, degenerative-dystrophic changes in the bone-cartilaginous apparatus, lower back, etc., Inactive life-style, intense working conditions, professional Sport, overweight – to provoke all this pain in the lower spine.

Back pain doctors call the term "low back pain". It is a widespread phenomenon, the sudden appearance and disappearance of the pain syndrome. Some patients take a short course of treatment, and more experience no discomfort, others need to be treated for months or even years. The exact cause of lower back pain, you must take an exam first in the therapist, and more in his direction – in the case of the specialists.


Most often, back pain is a Symptom of various diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Often unpleasant feelings to disturb people a lot of time on the Computer, in the car, engaged in heavy physical work, straining in the gym. At risk are pregnant women, or women who, having given birth recently.

Diseases with pain in the lower back

Back pain below can to such a disease such as osteoarthritis or spondylarthritis. This is the so-called primary causes of pain associated with functional and morphological changes of the spine.

Among the secondary causes of back pain are distinguished:

  • tumorous processes in the vertebrae, spinal cord;
  • Injuries of the spine;
  • infectious process in the intervertebral discs and the vertebral bodies;
  • Metabolic disorders in the bones (osteoporosis, osteomalacia);
  • non-inflammatory-infectious etiology of the disease (rheumatoid Arthritis, Spondylitis);
  • acute disorders of hemodynamics (e.g., stroke);
  • Diseases in connection with the violation of the growth;
  • Gastro-intestinal disease (atypical course of acute appendicitis, bowel obstruction);
  • Kidney diseases (kidney stones pain in the back one-sided, more frequently on the right side);
  • Diseases of the organs of the small pelvis.

So, the cause of the pain is not always in the lesions of the musculoskeletal system. If the pain is caused by dysfunction of the internal organs, then she has to irradiating character. In addition, people are not hurts the back on the bottom of the spine, chronic Prostatitis, prostate cancer, although this Symptom is always required.

Pain may appear after a long walk, that points to a spinal stenosis. The disease manifests itself in the Form of a syndrome of intermittent claudication. Man, apart from complaining of cramps and muscle pain when walking. In the elderly, such a condition, such as Polymyalgia rheumatica develops. First, moderate pain, then a feeling of stiffness in the arms or legs.

The most common cause for pain below the waist, in the right-hand side, the left or in the middle, is the osteochondrosis. Instrumental methods of investigation allow to show various degenerative-dystrophic changes in the spine. The space between the discs of the spine is gradually reduced, resulting in an imbalance in the structure of the entire spine is developing.

This leads to pain at the bottom of the ridge, which lie to the left or to the right or along the spine.

A further source of pain in the loin – the availability of intervertebral hernias. In the case of your injury along the nerve root to press a pretty strong, stabbing pain, dealing with the in the early stages will help, steroidal and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

Symptom of an adverse result of a low back pain, the spectrum of a variety of symptoms. Pain along the nerve root in the buttocks and the feet. Complaints will appear when you bend over (even when tilting the head down), laugh, cough, etc. pain syndrome amplified when lifting lying on the back, straight legs.

How to manifest pain in the lower back

Symptoms pain in the back of the versatile character and use, depending on the pathology. When stretching pain is manifested in the Form of spasms, the movements are limited. Pain syndrome radiating to the buttocks, the posterior part of the thigh. The Patient is difficult to bend to make turns of the housing. In the case of damage to the roots of pain radiating into the lower part of the body, may be a violation of the sensitivity, numbness.

In the case of the osteochondrosis symptoms improve gradually. First of all, the pain does not interfere on the one hand, the pronounced. With the development of the pathological process, pain is always stronger, tougher painkillers, cropped to a large area of concern. After a long stay in the same Position, screaming in pain.

With the defeat of kidney-pain does not appear on the back, and about the same level as the 12-th pairs of ribs. But when renal colic pain, radiating downward along the ureter, slaps to the groin. The pain in unbearable, there is a very strong, painkillers do not help. A characteristic feature – one-sided localization.


Why the lower back hurts only a doctor can. In no case should it be self-diagnosis and self-treatment. The diagnosis is made on the basis of complaints of the patient, the clinical symptoms, anamnestic data, results of instrumental methods of research. Patients prescribed radiographs, myelography, MRI, CT Scans and other Tests.

Computed tomography is an effective and an opportunity for the identification of various structural changes in the spine due to trauma, infectious process, neoplastic formations, osteoporosis and other diseases. The basis of the application of myelography contrasting fabrics. Method in cases of suspected spinal canal stenosis, disc herniation, tumors, and other pathological processes in the spine.



What to do if your back hurts, can force to say only by a qualified specialist. The tactics of treatment depends on the underlying cause of the pain. You should not worsen on their own pain because they only give a temporary effect (and in the case of certain diseases of not help), to "lubricate" the clinical picture and the pathological process, that people who remove the constant pain, moves the visit to the doctor.

The basic principle of the therapy – the treatment of pain not as such, but your reason. So, in the case of osteochondrosis, a number of measures. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in this disease are considered to be a symptomatic therapy during the height. To do this, Diclofenac, Nimesulide, etc., but they have a number of contraindications (eg, stomach ulcer).

Also, you can't-steroidal anti-inflammatory ointments. In some cases, require steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. The most important events in the period without exacerbation and in the teaching of medical gymnastics, the course of the therapeutic Massage, the proper organization of the regime of the day and nutrition.

In addition, physiotherapy, acupuncture, chiropractic, etc., without the aggravation doctors recommend to do the medical gymnastics. This is the best way to strengthen the back, relieve tension and muscle spasms. Medical-sports pain a series of exercises (movement therapy) in the program of prevention of the back.

Teaching is the best under the control of the instructor, but some very simple exercises you can perform at home:

  • Lie on your back, arms next to the body, legs slightly bow joints in the knee. Legs decline on the right side in the housing and rotate the head a little to the left (the main thing – do not overdo it). After five seconds, return to starting position, repeat the same with the opposite side. Only ten repetitions.
  • Embark on the knee to lean the hands on the chair. Turn the back upwards, then maximum bending. You do ten repetitions.
  • Lie on your back, raise the legs up. Lift the right leg, 20 cm from the ground, prior to the occurrence of fatigue. Do the same with the left foot. You do five repetitions for each leg.

Good effect of Massage and manual therapy. These procedures are performed only by qualified personnel. Incorrect performance, breach of the technician performing can be a serious damage. During the session of manual therapy in the hands of specialists, by the whole back area, effects on different layers (fascia, bone structure, etc.).

Special attention is paid to the neural level. The specialist has a direct impact on the neurons by palpatory Manipulation. A chiropractor can brake or speed up the neural chain. Lately, the popularity of acupuncture grows. The course consists of several procedures aimed at reduction of pain and muscle relaxation.

If you are overweight, you should establish the diet. Preferably plant-based, low-calorie diet should. Proteins is one-third of the daily ration. She is a lean fish, poultry, meat, eggs. Also protein sleeve included fruits, buckwheat, mushrooms, nuts (with them, it is important not to overdo it). Fats should be unsaturated consume (lamb, white fish, nuts, vegetable oils).

In diseases of the bone-joint System play an important role in the vitamins A and D. Vitamin A is in green, onions, vegetables, orange and yellow, cod liver oil, liver, egg yolk. Vitamin D synthesized under the influence of the best. Also you can contact the small quantities of milk, Butter, egg yolks, cod liver oil, caviar. For healthy bones, you should in sufficient quantity to consume phosphorus (bran, lettuce, cabbage, cheese, fish) and calcium (liver, cheese, eggs, nuts, green cabbage).


In the presence of back pain better, first with the therapist to identify on the basis of the collected data, with the further tactics. In the presence of the diseases of the internal organs of the Patient through a series of additional studies to be running and go to a narrow experts. The most important rule, learn not to treat all patients – and in the case of any sick manifestations are liable to apply in a timely manner to a specialist.