Why in the hurts of the back on the sides and back pain

Pain in sides and back – a widespread phenomenon, which can be dozens of reasons, the diseases of the musculoskeletal system, to disorders of the organs of the abdomen and urinary tract.

To diagnose accurately, the pathology, the unpleasant sensations in the back near the shoulder blades, you must first determine the type and the properties of the unpleasant sensations. What pain, at the same time from two sides into the lower back and the sides, or whether such a state will result in a serious risk to the health? mean

The causes of the pathology

Pain that is at the same time laterally at the level of the waist and at various locations in medicine as reflected the mechanism of the development of the irritation of several nerve branches.

For this reason, pain down radiating in the other places, in some cases, this points to the symptoms so blurry and indistinct that even the Patient himself is not able to accurately determine their source.


In the projection of the waist and the side of different organs are in the lower division of the lumbar vertebral column, kidneys, abdominal organs, the reproductive organs in women is, therefore, for an accurate diagnosis of the pain syndrome in the flanks and back, a doctor should be consulted.

Discomfort in the lower back and sides can appear in healthy people due to hypothermia or excessive physical exertion, but in this case, they are temporary in nature and disappear after rest.


The pain syndrome plays an important role in the determination of their causes – each of pathologies of the peculiarities of the clinical course, you should consider if you have a diagnosis.

  • Acute pain is characteristic for the States that require an immediate treatment to a doctor, and sometimes immediate medical attention. It is a sign of serious pathological processes in the internal organs or structures of the spine – hepatic and renal colic, diseases of the digestive tract, kidneys, and reproductive organs in the acute stage, hernias of the spine, neuralgia.
  • Complaints appears in the case of chronic pathologies, mostly in diseases of the spine osteochondrosis, protrusion, scoliosis, etc., especially if it occurs after a prolonged stay in one Position or movement.
  • Pull pain syndrome is a common Symptom of diseases of the reproductive and genitourinary system in women, and disturbances of liver function.
  • In addition, it is common in pregnant women in the second or third Trimester because of the pressure of the growing fetus.
  • Dull pain can spine a note on inflammatory or infectious processes in the gall bladder and the kidneys, and sometimes disease of the lumbar and sacral.
  • Sudden painful attacks of sciatica, and observed that lead and slipped discs, as well as kidney and liver colic, cramps in the gut and in other organs.
  • Complaints, to feel the constantly, testifies often of inflammatory and infectious pathologies of the urinary bladder, kidneys and reproductive organs, can also be felt in the pregnancy.
  • Herpes pain syndrome usually a Symptom of pancreatitis and other diseases of the digestive tract, urinary tract, gynaecological diseases: severe pain in such cases, talks about the acute course of the disease, weak – chronic Form.

The character of the pain is not a subjective term, therefore, the cause of the disease is exclusively for this indicator possible – takes account of additional symptoms and other factors must be.

Why is he in the right and left side

Diseases of the spine

Degenerative processes, injuries, and other pathologies of the vertebral bodies, intervertebral discs, or the surrounding structures (nerves, muscles) – common causes of abnormal sensations in the sides.

Most often, in this case, the lumbar or sacral section of the spine suffers, rarely the pain may be thoracic at the bottom to move due to damage.

Displacement of vertebral Discs

Spondylolisthesis is a displacement of the vertebrae relative to each other with a deviation of the axis of the spine. Popularly this condition is often referred to as the "displacement of intervertebral discs," but such a formulation is incorrect, since only the shifted vortex.

The pathology develops due to various reasons (injuries, age-related changes, stress, etc.) and leads to an irritation of the nerve fibers or their full Impingement, causing swelling, inflammation, or acute back pain.


Degenerative changes in the spine or bone, is often observed in elderly people.

Due to the impact of negative factors, the processes of nutrition of the cartilage of the spine is injured, because of what it loses its elasticity and ability to regenerate.


The main symptoms of osteochondrosis – the mobility of the spine and burning, aching or throbbing pain in the back, underneath, in the lower back and the flanks.

If there are symptoms, you have to wear a visit to the doctor.

Vertebral fractures

Fracture of the spine – a serious injury of the musculoskeletal system, which requires a longer and more comprehensive treatment. Violation of the integrity of the bone tissue is carried out by an external force (impact, fall from height, etc.) and pain syndrome manifested in the first place.

Its properties are dependent on the extent and localization of damage, but most of the time the pain is intense, the type of Herpes zoster, accompanied by neurological disorders – disorders of sensitivity in the extremities, headache, etc.


Scoliosis is a curvature of the spine, which causes an asymmetry of the forms and functional disorders of the internal organs.

On the first stages of the disease, discomfort, and pain syndrome shows itself in various divisions of the back (in the case of lesions of the lumbar, you spine are on the flanks and back), fatigue, and impaired mobility of the spine, while the pathological process, it can cause problems with urination and defecation.

Ankylosing spondylarthrosis

Ankylosing spondylarthrosis (Bechterew's disease) is a rare pathology of the musculoskeletal system, which is excited between the vertebrate animals, the shoulder and hip joints.

Symptoms include pain in the back and sides, the changes will also strengthen the effort of the muscles, and the weather, the curvature of the spine, paresis and paralysis. The disease is incurable, and progresses slowly, but steadily, and usually leads to a disability.


PC-hernia is less common than hernia in other areas of the spine, because the vertebrae sacral stronger and more durable.

It is caused by a combination of factors, including degenerative diseases of the musculoskeletal system, infections and inflammation of internal organs, injuries.

If the diaphragmatic hernia can feel the Patient has severe pain in the area of the coccyx and the lumbar spine, the increase in the flanks and shot into a sitting Position and are not painkillers rotated.


Of these hernias most often affects women, since the most common triggering factor of the disease occur severe birth.

Diseases of the internal organs

The combat experience in the lower back and flanks in pathologies of the internal organs as a secondary. In contrast to the symptoms of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, they are not with the movement or the change of the Position of the body, and by disorders of other systems of the body.

Diseases of the urinary System diseases

Diseases of the urinary tract System that can cause pain in the flanks, inflammatory and infectious processes in the urinary bladder, stone formation, obstruction of the urinary tract diseases.

Depending on the clinical course of the pathology, the pain of different intensity, may be sharp, and often accompanied by disturbances of urination, fever, General weakness.

Kidney disease

Characteristics of pain in the sites with pathologies of the kidneys lie in the fact that you are a little above the waist, often Herpes are character and enter in the lower abdomen, the navel, the groin. Some of the diseases of kidney (polycystic, cancer, Tumor, Pyelonephritis) develops slowly, accompanied, not so strong complaints and kidney pain and blockage of the ureter the pain is so intense that sometimes caused a painful shock.

Cirrhosis of the liver

Cirrhosis of the liver – a serious disease, which is characterized by loss of tissue of the organ and its replacement fibrotic fibres, and often fatal. On pathological process may indicate pain in the lumbar area, can carry the Herpes-character, but most often localized in the right side, bitter taste in the mouth (manifested in the morning hours), periodic disturbance of defecation, and weight loss.

Pathology of the intestine

Functional disorders of the intestine, the gall bladder, the pancreas and other digestive organs complaints manifest blunt character in the abdomen, lower back and flanks, but during the exacerbation of disease possible acute and severe pain.

In General, you are significantly with food (on an empty stomach, after eating or the consumption of certain foods) and accompanied by flatulence, increased Gas.

Special features in women

In women, pain in the sides are more common than in men, due to the anatomical peculiarities of the female organism. In the belly of the representatives of the weaker sex, the reproductive organs develop often cause discomfort in the pelvic area, genital infections and inflammation are cave more often than men.

In The Case Of Women's Diseases

Pain in the sides – not unusual for women when there is a change in hormone levels, congenital disorders (e.g., deviation or bending of the uterus).

Other reasons for the constant pain – genital infections, uterine fibroids, pelvic inflammatory disease, endometriosis, and other inflammatory processes.

Other symptoms of the above diseases – menstrual disorders, infertility, impairment of the General condition.


Many of the women in the pages of a physiological Norm during Menstruation is pain – in this case, the pain-character, easily removable reception of antispasmodics, and is not accompanied by additional symptoms.

In pregnancy

During pregnancy occurs discomfort in the sides and lower back usually after the first Trimester, when the growing fetus starts to put pressure on the spine and the internal organs.

In the first few weeks of pregnancy, the child can be a Symptom of a sign of hormonal changes in the body, weakening of the ligaments and muscles, as well as the beginning of a miscarriage – in this case, pain carry intense character, accompanied by bleeding or bloody discharge from the vagina, weakness, and deterioration of General condition.

After the birth

Pain in the lower abdomen, flanks and back, all the women feel, without exception, they are part of the regenerative processes of the reproductive organs. Immediately after the birth, she can be strong enough, but after a few days, gradually subside, and in the course of two-four weeks to disappear completely.

Properties in men

In the case of the representatives of the male sex causes of pain, pulling, barking, in the flanks, lower abdomen, groin and legs, as a rule, prostatic hyperplasia, Prostatitis, diseases, rarely cystitis and other bladder. Among other manifestations may be noted, difficult urination, sexual dysfunction and impotence, and diseases, sexually transmitted infections, there is purulent discharge from the urethra.

In the case of Genital infections in men treatment, both partners should also in those cases, if the symptoms of the disease in women.

The possibilities of the treatment

Even with frequent pain in the sides is absolutely not recommended, especially if they worsen with additional manifestations – all activities can be complicated to lubricate the clinical picture, diagnosis, or the condition of the patient.

Movement therapy

Movement therapy – to eliminate a way, the discomfort in pathologies of the musculoskeletal system and menstrual complaints. The exercises should be done carefully, not loading muscles strong, avoid sudden movements, and amplification of the pain syndrome.

During the pregnancy, and for gynecological diseases have a good effect, breathing exercises and Yoga, but most of the lessons, you must consult your doctor and take into account existing contraindications. In addition, you can set a light Massage in circular motions, or just a walk in the fresh air.


Physiotherapeutic methods are applied only after the acute Phase, accompanied by intense, inflammatory, and infectious process, fever, and other symptoms.

As a therapeutic procedure to the patient, electrophoresis with various drugs (painkillers, recommended to the nutrition and Regeneration of the tissue), UHF, magnetic field therapy, electrical stimulation, mud, Paraffin and ozocerite applications. A special method, the impact and the duration of the course is determined by the doctor depending on the specifics of the clinical course of the disease and the General condition of the patient.

Pain in the lower back and sides can control the intensity varying and character, but in most cases, a disturbing Symptom, which requires a rapid diagnosis and treatment.