Back pain below the loin: what is it

Pain in the back below the waist of concern to many people. Out of ignorance, all of these symptoms of pain we call "sciatica", though, it is completely wrong. Pain below the hip can wear through a series of causes and different character, there is also an impressive list of diseases, the as a Symptom.

A lot depends on the exact nature of the pain, but also of its location. You can determine the cause why the loin hurts, can only the expert. But first, you need to understand to treat what doctor to solve the Problem.


A short list of possible causes for pain in the lower back:

  • Osteochondrosis. The disease manifests itself in dystrophic lesions of the intervertebral discs between the vertebrae, and the vertebral body itself.
  • Spondylarthrosis is a osteoarthritis of the joints between the vertebrae.
  • Tumors of the spine. Primary tumor, but also metastases (arising as a result of the development of a tumor in a different Organ or System).
  • Fracture of the spine.
  • Infections of the vertebrae and discs.
  • If there are any problems in the organs, which can in the small pelvis, the described Symptom.
  • Malfunction of the digestive tract.
  • Problems with blood circulation in the area of the spine.
  • Wrong metabolism, causing General injury to the bone.
  • Inflammatory diseases of non-infectious nature.


Most often acute pain in the lumbar region occurs in different sprains. The center of the pain syndrome, the long muscles of the back. Constant cramps in sum, limitations in movement. For this reason, back pain in the lower back and pain in the legs and the area of the groin.


Often, acute pain will appear because of the obvious reasons that will not be ignored: the fracture of the vertebral body. Some think that it happens rarely, but it's actually the fracture will earn even in a simple fall on the legs. Especially in cases, where any changes to the vertebral column and the bones themselves are fragile.

Herniated disc

The next very common cause, what is acute pain. In the lumbar spine, the vertebral discs move. Symptom: the person can not move.

Facies Syndrome

In principle, it rarely leads to the Manifestation of acute pain in the lower back, then this is a Symptom of possible. There are the so-called nerve roots in the spinal canal is located. If the compression ratio on the site manifested its exit from the spine, Symptom.

Epidural Abscess

A serious disease that, in rare cases, pain below the waist. Most often it is the disease develops in the thoracic spine and pain symptoms located there. But in the running process, you can also give in the area of the loin. The disease requires immediate surgical treatment.

Chronic pain: less bad, but dangerous


Chronic pain in the lower back manifesting is not always as strong, as sharp. But such pain can not be ignored: if it means a pain syndrome, that in the body something is wrong. As long as the man ignored his condition and tries to treat somehow his traditional methods, the disease progresses.

Back pain or learn more about lumbago

The most common chronic pain syndrome of the character in this area is inherent in the people older than mid and advanced age. But the youth of today with this pain symptom. This condition is called "lumbago".

The pain occurs under the condition of increased physical load, even in case of awkward movement. She is so strongly penetrates through the body of a Person for a while to freeze in a pose, in the witch's shot found him.

Possible causes of lumbago:

  • Sciatica (but not always, it is the Symptom described);
  • Herniated disc in the lower back;
  • happened, the displacement of one or more vertebrae;
  • was able to get out of the intervertebral disc (maybe with heavy loads on the spine);

The pain is sharp and spicy, many describe it as "lumbago" in the back. They do not hurt only prevents it to move even to breathe. When you lie down and spend a little time alone, to reduce the Symptom.

Pain below the loins

Very often this pain is radiating to the leg, and after intensive loads, as well as, after sub-cooling.

To remember about any causes:

  • Sciatica;
  • interspinous Spacer;
  • Ankylosing Spondylitis;
  • Renal colic (then localized pain below the waist on the right side);

Back pain in lower back in women

There are a number of gynecological diseases and in particular States the women can lead to pain in this area, the Symptom of you beautiful ladies should speak separately.

Classification of lumbar region pain in women:

  • Lumbago. It's sharp cross through an effort, or hypothermia.
  • Lumbodynia. Pain of this type is constant, but not strong character. It can also occur due to the loads on the spine (which are permanent), but also because of the sedentary work.
  • Lumboischialgia. Pain of this type is almost always in the feet. It occurs incidents in the intervertebral disc and requires a quick treatment.

Important! If pain in the described area are not whining character, they are a sign of a serious pathology. Although, of course, also require the correct diagnosis and treatment.

Localization of pain on the left of the bottom sirloin

Also, that such a Symptom can cause diseases of the spine, it is a pain, the definition of internal organs can. With the left side of the body in this part of the kidney and the intestine, the pancreas and the stomach, the spleen is located. In the case of the woman with the left side of the ovary, pathology is the cause.pain in the lower back on the left side

When acute diseases of the internal organs, then only pain syndrome are not manifested in the selected area. Common symptoms are increased body temperature and chills, urine, unusual colors, pain in the abdomen (in the case of women, failure of the menstrual cycle).

Important! If the investigation showed no problems with the internal organs and systems is required, an additional examination of the spine.

Two types of pain and their causes:

  • Aching and dull pain indicates a chronic course spondylarthrosis'. The most common Symptom occurs after some time after sleep.
  • Sharp and searing. Acute lumbago captivates movement and accompanied by the difference of the temperature of the body. Pain can occur after a shower or even a massage.

The transition pain in the leg or buttocks

Pain below the loins often in the buttocks or leg. In the case of the establishment of the exact diagnosis of the doctor necessarily, this fact is taken into account. This phenomenon suggests that perhaps stunned to nerve roots in this part of the spine.

Also pain that is transmitted, in the leg and the groin, belly, talks about the possible severe lesions in the upper vertebrae. Sometimes pain even leads to torpor of the legs and loss of the ability of the movement – this refers to the inflammation of the sciatic nerve. Most often it occurs as piriformis syndrome.

What is the onset of pain provoked in the woman

If a woman lacks the physical stress, and then the active weeding of the flower beds or easily solved she starts to wash the floors in the whole house, what may appear unpleasant pain below the waist. Frequent climbs and overstrain of the back lead to the emergence of pain, because the skeletal muscles are not ready for such work.

Interesting! Exactly for the same reason, beginners in Fitness, described the nature of the pain syndrome can experience. And even professional athlete, every day is excessive, unaccustomed load.

The harmless reasons for pain of the described localization are:

  • Lack of exercise (especially in the case of incorrect body posture);
  • wrong weight lifting;
  • Stress, excessive for a certain lady;
  • To feel under cooling (draughts or light clothing be fast);

Pain due to gynecological problems


Infectious diseases of reproductive system women can cause severe pain. Woman, doctors stress that in this case, a nagging pain in the lower back will not wear, it is sharp and affects the normal life activities of women captivates you.

For various reasons, Gyn., the pain, the constant nagging can wear. In any Situation, an accurate diagnosis for the individual case only a doctor can.

Possible gynaecological problems causing pain below the waist:

  • In the critical days in the body amount of substances that the pain sensation increases. For this reason, pain in the lower back and abdomen caused pulling. Need to check with your doctor, but any emergency is not in such a Situation, you have to wait until the pain passes.
  • During pregnancy, particularly in the last stages. Everything is clear: the pressure on the lower back increases with increasing weight of the fetus. Plus, the organism strengthens the hormone progesterone, produced leads to a weakening of the joints and ligaments.
  • When the pain appeared in the first months of pregnancy is a dangerous condition. He refers to the fact that it is the risks of detachment of the ovum. Often drawing pains in the loins, if such threat is accompanied by brown vaginal discharge.
  • Endometritis. Uterine mucous membrane with the skin, the structure of the mucous membrane, on which various inflammations. So, if that happens, then the symptoms are alive and without a visit to the gynecologist will not be waived.
  • Ectopic pregnancy, rupture of cysts, apoplexy, or scrambled eggs – the cause of the severe pain in the lumbar area. Localized pain at the bottom, needed urgent hospitalization.

If a Person is not sick in the lower back necessarily sciatica is manifested. There is a huge list of diseases of the spine and pathologies of other organs and systems of the people, the cause of such a syndrome. To accurately determine the cause of the pain, only the doctor can, depending on its localization, character, and other related symptoms.

Try not to solely self-diagnosis. You have to consult a doctor, for example, for therapists to go and tell you to submit your Status and the corresponding analyses. Protect yourself and do not use self-treatment without consultation with a doctor, because often such an intervention in their health leads to sad consequences.