The main causes of back pain in the area below the shoulder blades but above the waist

Discomfort in the back usually occur due to pathological disturbances of the spine. However, not everything is so unambiguous. Often pain in the back below the shoulder blades diseases of the internal organs, psychosomatic causes, or traumatic injury is called. So, before you find out the organization of the treatment, you need what exactly was the cause for the painful reaction of the body. In General, you cannot do it by yourself, you need to click on consultation to the doctor.

Causes of pain

Back pain below the shoulder area can be used for a number of reasons. If a Person experiences a sharp pain, it happens, by injuries of the back or of the spine, inflammatory processes in it. If the human pain syndrome to be characterized, such as yelp, pulling out a medium intensity, then most likely it is a case of pathologies of the spine or of the heart, blood vessels, stomach chronic course. Dull pain observed in diseases of the urinary bladder and the heart.

Under all conditions, the shutter blades pain under the shoulder, are the most common factors associated with pathological changes in the spine. This is due to the fact that the spine (all departments, including the breast) constantly experiences increased load, to go with the weight of the human body and makes it right. If the person is not concerned with the strengthening of the muscle-skeleton of the back, straight posture, he begins with the time of the back pain.

Diseases of the spine

Back pain below the shoulder blades


Back pain is one of the most common reasons for pain in the back. The disease occurs when a Person has an irregular and insufficient physical activity. In this case, significantly back muscles and chest are weakened, which is not supplemented by unpleasant symptoms of a disease to cope with as the spine with the load. On the intervertebral discs under pressure of the vertebrae, which are not able to get the hard drives have enough nutrients. Under this influence, you are deform, changing its structure. Due to such changes in the nerve is no longer irritated, the spine elastic, vertebrae, and disks osteophytes develop. All of this together when people leaves cause pain in the back in the shoulder area, left or right, depending on where exactly the nerve is pinched.

Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine shows discomfort in the back of the head, the neck, then falls in pain to the shoulder area. The man can feel that the neck, the head is numb.

Types of osteochondrosis

If a Patient is an osteochondrosis of the breast, the back starts to scroll pain directly in the space between the shoulder. Tenderness felt in the breast. The people will notice that it is difficult to breathe (to breathe deeply). And there are cases that because of the breast osteochondrosis of the person feels the pain in the heart.

It happens that the pain-reaction in the back under the shoulder blades, the osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine. In this case, sharp pain-reaction occurs in the lumbar region, the lower limbs, and if the disease progresses, it begins the pain in the area of the left shoulder blade. In General, pain in the back above the waist, which are due to pathological changes in the spine, intensified when a Person is actively moving.

The improvement of the condition of the patient can, by the recipes of folk medicine, as well as massaging the injured area. If the pain does not stop, you should consult the doctor. Of this pathology the neurologist, according to diagnostic events, the appointment of the necessary medicines and other therapeutic techniques (physiotherapy, exercise therapy, Massage, etc.).


If back pain is myositis or insufficient muscle tension causes, the treatment may consist in the regular performance of specially selected exercises for the body. Also in this case to apply, RUB the muscles in the area below the shoulder blades tinctures (main or pharmaceutical preparation), tepidus ointments. But also in this case, a recommendation from a physician needs to the possible negative effects, but also take into account the individual peculiarities of the organism.

Intercostal neuralgia

The disease is due to compression of the impact on the nerves on the part of the vertebral body. Intercostal neuralgia self-paroxysmal periods of acute different intensities and properties. The pain is how stupid and rapiente. In the process of diagnosis the doctor will ask the patient, collects anamnesis, performs an external inspection, Palpation, install the painful area. Also x-ray examination, ultrasound investigation, assigned to it. Source pathological changes often inflammation formed in the area of the organs located in the chest. Disease of the lungs, bronchi, Pleura often with the fact that a Person has back pain in the area just below the shoulder blades. It happens that the pain felt in neuralgia, not only in the back, but also in the chest.

For the treatment of intercostal neuralgia methodology is aimed primarily at eliminating the root cause for the seizure, reduction or complete elimination. Safe medicines, the inflammation process stops. In the treatment of neuralgia also effective physiotherapy are therapeutic procedures. They are designed to relieve back pain, stimulate tissue Regeneration, strengthening of the flow in them nutrients by improving blood circulation.

  • Transcranial electro analgesia.
  • UHF.
  • Fluctuationem.
  • The Magnetic Field Therapy.
  • The Laser Therapy.
  • Acupuncture.
  • The Mud Cure.

Traumatic Lesions

A prerequisite for the symptoms of a reaction to pain below the shoulder blades often traumatic damage of the type such as the shoulder blade bone and the spine in the thoracic spine. Such damage to a man receives the shocks, drop in. Pain is not allow in this case a man, to move your hands, and the damaged area red, and is thicker. In the case of injuries need to be x-rayed, to prescribe according to the trauma surgeon a surgeon or treatments.

The cause of the pain is an Osteomyelitis that develops in the case of open injuries (wounds). The disease is characterized by inflammatory processes, General intoxication of the organism.

Pathology of the internal organs


Very often pain below the shoulder blades heart disease called. For example, a myocardial infarction, the fact that a Person in pain presses in the area of the heart and back in the spine of the left scapula is manifested. Pain can radiate to the area of the head, neck and left shoulder, the Hand, to the fact that the Patient can not move In the case when the complaints do not stop, if the person is something or him to breathe deep, you need to send him to the hospital immediately.

Back pain below shoulder blades causes


Different diseases of the gastro-intestinal tract (e.g., peptic ulcer) that is frequently pain the causes of back at the bottom of the shoulder blades. In the process of development of stomach ulcer is the destruction of its mucous membrane causes the skin, the nerve endings close to the diaphragm, causing the bouts of severe pain, not only in the belly but in the back, below the shoulder blades. It is as recurring, significantly increasing abstinence from food, and after the meal, without compliance with the recommendations of the doctor. The painful symptoms are less pronounced, or go after the Patient vomited, or is he a hot compress. In addition, ulcer patients stomach to start noticing the following symptoms.

  • Vomiting, if the pain is most pronounced.
  • Heartburn, belching.
  • To feel pain below the shoulder blades in the back, but also in the heart.
  • If the disease has destroyed the mucous membrane of the stomach very strong, or complete, patients report that their back hurts, the shoulders.
  • Sweating.
  • Pallor.

The treatment of a painful reaction on the part of the back to organize with a stomach ulcer in each case, without any consultation with the doctor. In this case, the underlying disease that is causing the pain.

Among the means of traditional medicine to reduce the acid content of the stomach, very often, as baking powder. However, the medical profession, this method is not supported, because Soda has a corrosive effect on the mucous membrane of the organ, without destroying it and exacerbated the Problem.


Inflammation of the lung intrinsically pathological reactions of the organism in the chest, in the back. Apart from that, in humans, the temperature rises, in the lungs, wheezing, cough, shortness of breath listening to it. If a one-sided inflammation of the lungs, then the back below the shoulder blades pain on the part of the damaged lung, if two-sided, on both sides.

Pain therapy depends on the effectiveness of the given help to the Patient according to the underlying pathology.

Pain in the upper back

If a Person regularly works in a physical, back muscles tensing, the reasons for the scapula-costal of the pain syndrome associated with excessive strain on the back, the wounded vertebrae of the thoracic spine, the muscle fibres, under cooling, your stay in a design. Often even a slight breeze enough to work outside and not dressed for the weather man felt the pain below the shoulder blades. Symptoms of the common cold the following symptoms:

  • Damaged or frigus muscles provoked mild pain along the spine.
  • Man is limited in the execution of normal rates to meet the hard twists to bend over with the head housing.
  • When you press on the area of the shoulder blades is not a very strong pain to feel.
  • The tension of the muscles together with the back to the shoulder complex.
  • Scapular rib pain syndrome a feeling of heaviness manifests itself in the middle of the back, the shoulders, the upper limbs, pain in the chest.
  • Aggravation usually happen when an individual undergoes a physical stress on the muscles of the chest, back.
  • If the treatment does not begin in a timely manner, the pathological disorders of the neck affected, the articulation of the shoulder, the upper extremities, the ribs of the thorax, i.e., the area of the body, the outside of the affected areas of the body.
Back pain below the shoulder blades due to Stress
Problem detection and diagnosis of heart-lung costal of the syndrome is to recognize that you can not be confused, exactly, with other pathological changes in the body during his heart attack. Therefore, if you to its symptoms should not wait until the renewal, and as quickly as possible to be examined.

Psychosomatic Causes

If a Person is regularly congested psychological in nature, Stress, then the voltage is negative and acts on the muscles of the whole body, including the back. In this case, back pain below the shoulder blades but above the waist are not uncommon. In General, people complain that it is hard for you a long time to sit because the back hurts, the muscles draws. In the "risk group" are people, not forced enough exercise during the working day and often in situations of Stress, either pluck your Aggression, anger on external factors.

In this case, the pain is in the back, if a Person decides that their psychological problems, to learn, to respond correctly to stimuli from the outside.

The causes of pain under shoulder blade-the area very much. Therefore, in order to figure out why back pain in any case, it is necessary, diagnostic measures, and organize independently. In the case of the emergence of such a Symptom you should consult a doctor and then a treatment.